Chapter 20 :Mia is worried about Jenna

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Mia lays down and gets a worried sigh as she sat up and looked at Jenna's bed in their new room in the Men of Letters bunker as she gets an worried look on her face as Amy knocked on the door to see Mia is worried.

"Mia, what's wrong?" Amy asked.

"how you tell that I was wrong?" Mia wondered.

"a mother can tell." Amy reply.

Mia walked towards to the couch as Amy sits next to her as she put her hand on her pregnant stomach.

"Mom, do you ever worried about Jenna?" Mia asked.

"some." Amy answered.

"but for me I had this bad dream that something bad will happen to her and I know you be with her in wherever in Gallifrey and I always get a uneasy feeling." Mia said.

"it be all right Mia." Amy assured her.

"but how you know?" Mia asked.

"Mia, Mom's right." Jenna's voice said as Mia turned to see Jenna.

"look Jenna, I feel like if you get hurt or god forbid even worse." Mia said with a worried voice as Jenna smiled.

"again Mia, Mom will be with me along with River and I promise nothing bad will happen to me." Jenna told her.

"wait, how did you know I was worried about you?" Mia asked.

"Ziva, saw you almost cry and she let me take her soul and told me that we can share from time to time or whenever." Jenna answered.

"Jenna, she let you?' Amy wondered.

"yeah, and in 6 months I'll be born and possible 2 or 3 months in Gallifrey cause it's customary or sometimes half -timelords babies or in this case me will grow fast from newborn to adulthood." Jenna said.

"and I'm half -TARDIS and in my mid 20's, but still I still worried." Mia also said.

Jenna hugged her sister as Mia smiled.

"about just the three of us just talk?" Amy offered.

"so you don't mind that I be here whenever I feel like it?" Jenna asked Amy.

"no, but it just between us." Amy reply.

"Jenna, thanks." Mia said.

Jenna smiled at her sister and kissed her forehead.

"your welcome, and I always look out for my sister." Jenna told her.

"and vice versa." Mia also said.

"it surprise me more that every time I look at Ziva, I remind myself that you look like her." Amy told Jenna.

"the only difference between me and her is I have a southern accent and my hair down while Ziva puts her hair in a ponytail." Jenna points out.

"a soft southern accent Jenna." Mia told Jenna.

"stiil a southern accent." Jenna said.

Mia, Jenna and Amy smiled as Amy looked at her daughters.

"in 6 months Jenna we be in the hospital for a few days and River will take us to wherever she is in Gallifrey and you grow fast." Amy said.

"River is our cousin right?" Jenna wondered.

"yes." Amy answered.

"when we get back, I want to see Padme." Jenna said.

"no problem." Amy said.

"but there is one small problem." Mia told both Amy and Jenna.

"and what's that Mia?" Amy asked.

"Padme, she knows that Jenna is in your stomach and as Jenna points out that in 6 months she will be born and spend a couple of days or weeks over at Gallifrey with River and be fully grown." Mia said.

"don't worry Mia, cause grandma Rose will explain it to her granted that Padme is a one year old." Jenna assured Mia.

"and Emma will explain it to her in her own way." Amy also said.

"you sure?" Mia asked.

"I'm sure Mia." Amy reply.

"just on the safe side, I can be with you and maybe for a couple weeks I be with you Mia?" Jenna asked her.

"I would like that Jenna." Mia answered.

Jenna smiled at Mia as Amy looked at her daughters, Mia and her future daughter Jenna as Amy smiled.

"it reminds me of Emma and Padme." Amy said.

"how's that Mom?" Jenna wondered.

"well, Emma loves to be with Padme and granted she's 1 year old and whenever Emma leaves for school, Padme sits on the second step in the house and just waits for her." Amy said.

"were you close with your sisters Mom?" Mia asked her.

"as a matter of fact Mia, yes I'm very much close to your Aunt Jenny and Aunt Sam, including your Aunt Michelle." Amy reply.

"so you and our Aunt's are close just like me and Mia?" Jenna wondered.

"yes Jenna." Amy said.

Jenna looked at Mia as she gives a warmest smile to her.

"again Mia, I will make sure and a strong promise that nothing bad will happen to me." Jenna said.

"I know Jenna." Mia also said.

"again, we still have that promise that we made when we were at Ziva's apartment." Jenna reminded Mia as Amy looked.

"what promise Jenna?" Amy asked.

"me and Mia made a promise that after I come home from Gallifrey, me and her will visit Paris again." Jenna explain.

"and just like the last time, Ziva let us stay in her apartment and we are seeing the tower at night and during the day seeing the sites." Mia also said.

 "and are you two heading anywhere else?" Amy wondered.

"no, we are going to be in Paris for a couple of weeks and coming home after that." Jenna answered.

"want company?" Amy asked.

"if you want Mom, you can go with us?" Jenna offered.

Amy thinks as she gets an idea in her head.

"have you two been to London?" Amy asked.

"no, that's our next trip." Mia said.

"well, I love to go with you two and show you where your grandparents met." Amy told them.

"they met during Christmas right?" Jenna asked.

"yes, it was Christmas 2005." Amy answered.

"and how it happen?" Mia also asked.

"long story is that he was supposed to with your great grandmother, but was killed by Ziva's brother and he went to London by himself and if you like girls your grandparents will tell the whole story when we get back to London." Amy said to Mia and Jenna.

"sure." both Mia and Jenna also said.

A/N: I will extended this story of Amy's pregnancy and birth of Jenna with both of them in Gallifrey and Jenna's grown up over there.

Chapter 21 soon.

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