Chapter 6 :Amy and Mia baby sit Padme

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Rose is in the living room and relax on the couch as she has a day off from working at the hospital and had all night shifts between the ICU and in the ER as Emma walked in the living room with a frustrating look on her face as Rose knew something was wrong.

"what's wrong Emma?" Rose asked.

"the principal told me that the day care at school is getting a remodeling project that will take a year." Emma answered.

"and let me guess the principal told you at the last minute?" Rose asked her as Emma nodded.

"I don't know what to do Mom." Emma said as Amy came downstairs as she sees Emma upset.

"what's wrong with Emma?" Amy wondered.

"Emma just told me that her school announced that the day care is getting remodeling project and Emma just found out about it at the last minute." Rose told her.

"what are you going to do Emma?" Amy asked her.

"I don't know." Emma reply.

"if you want Emma, me and Mia can baby sit her." Amy offered.

"sure, and how's Mia handling being an adult now?" Emma wondered.

"pretty well, ever since she came home from the hospital she slept in her new bed and thanks to you, Scarlett and Michelle on your advice." Amy answered.

"where's Mia now?" Rose wondered.

"she's getting dressed and she also talking to Mary after she got dressed." Amy answered.

"does she know that Mary is our family's guardian angel?" Emma asked Amy.

"she does, Mary explained it to her." Amy reply.

"I will get Padme up and get her ready for today." Rose said.

"and I will help Mom." Emma also said.

Rose and Emma head upstairs to Padme's room as Mia smiled.

"what you smiling about Mia?" Amy asked.

"helping out Emma." Mia reply as Amy understands.

"that's true and it's a great way to practice before Jenna is born also." Amy said.

"when is your first appointment?" Mia wondered.

"in a few months when Jenna is growing in my stomach." Amy answered as Rose carried Padme in her arms as Mia smiled.

"you sure you want to do this Amy and Mia?" Rose wondered.

"I was just telling Mia that It's a great way to practice before Jenna is born and since Padme is 1 year old now, I can know to what expected Mom." Amy said.

"and I can baby sit Padme at home also." Mia also said.

"Mia, Emma would love that, and I feel so bad those volunteers who didn't see that announcement coming." Rose said.

"I wonder if the school board knows about it?" Amy wondered.

Emma comes down from Padme's bedroom as she hands Padme's diaper bag to Amy.

"Emma, can I ask you a question?" Rose wondered.

"sure Mom." Emma said.

"when is the next school board meeting?" Rose asked her.

"I don't know, but I could ask my school councillor about it." Emma answered.

"well, I like to know." Rose told her.

"when I get home from school and I will tell you the next school board meeting." Emma said.

"maybe I can help out." Mia offered.

"thanks for the offer Mia, but me and Mom can handle it." Emma said.

Emma kissed Padme's cheek and smile at her.

"I be back later ok baby sis?" Emma asked her as Padme touch her cheek.

"I love you too." Emma said.

"how you know what Padme said?" Mia wondered.

"it's simple, me and Padme are close since she was born." Emma told Mia.

"really?" Mia asked.

"yeah, and besides Mom let me get school off on every Friday." Emma told Mia.

"so, it's Tuesday?" Mia asked.

"yeah, but like I said every Friday that I stay home from school and be with Padme." Emma said.

"speaking of that Emma, you don't want to be late for school." Rose told Emma.

"see you later Padme." Emma said to her baby sister as Amy holds Padme.

"if you need anything Amy, I be in your father's den." Rose said.

"ok Mom." Amy also said.

Amy still holding Padme as she walked towards to the couch where Mia is sitting as Mia hands Padme's bottle.

"I don't think Padme is not into baby formula anymore Mia." Amy told her.

"is she into solid foods now?" Mia asked.

"she is and ask your grandmother on where Padme's solid foods are kept?" Amy told her.

"and where is grandma Rose is at?" Mia wondered.

"she told me that she is in your grandfather's den." Amy reply.

"why she is in grandpa's den?" Mia asked.

"she used his den from time to time." Amy told her.

"does grandpa know about it?" Mia wondered.

"he does and he shared the den with her." Amy explained.

"I was wondering something that is on my mind." Mia said.

"what's that Mia?" Amy asked.

"I was wondering if grandpa or I could ask grandpa that I want to join Torchwood." Mia said as Amy looked at her.

"you want to join Torchwood?" Amy ask Mia.

"yeah and I like to know if I could have a job over there." Mia told her.

"Mia you know what Torchwood is?" Amy asked.

"a little." Mia answered.

"Torchwood is a organized agency that started a long time ago by Queen Victoria in late 1800's and many years later your Uncle Jack Harkness reorganize Torchwood to hrlp the earth and people of this planet and my parents or grandparents founded this Torchwood here for United States and they work in consort with the Torchwood branch in Cardiff." Amy said.

"it's like they fight aliens or paranormal?" Mia asked.

"yeah, but our Torchwood investigate paranormal activity including investigate myths and like I said help the United States just like Torchwood branch protect Cardiff but both branches also protect Earth." Amy answered.

"not only that investigate myths or legendary stories." Rusty the family's Dalek said.

"you overhear this?" Amy asked Rusty.

"yeah, I was looking for Matt and can't find him." Rusty said.

"what's you need Rusty?" Amy wondered.

"I was asking that we go over the final things before we have a briefing on the next case for Torchwood." Rusty reply.

"oh the disappearance of Glenn Miller?" Amy wondered.

"yeah." Rusty answered.

"I know it's a family rule about saying sorry, but who's Glenn Miller?" Mia asked both Amy and Rusty.

"Rusty, can you explain who Glenn Miller is and the disappearance of him to Mia?" Amy asked the family's Dalek.

"sure thing Amy." Rusty reply as Mia went with Rusty as Amy checked in on Padme as Padme is sitting on the couch.

Chapter 7 soon.

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