Chapter 2 :Amy shares the pregnancy news to her family

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Ziva is in the waiting room with Mia as Ziva takes a magazine of the magazine rack as Mia got up the chair next to Ziva as Ziva looked at Mia and smiled at her.

"what you reading Ziva?" Mia asked.

"peoples magazine." Ziva answered.

"what's peoples magazine?" Mia wondered.

"it's a entertainment news magazine that covers TV, Movies, Music and famous people." Ziva explained it to her.

"how famous?" Mia asked Ziva.

"very, very famous Mia trust me." Ziva said as she looked at her watch as she knocked on the receptionist window as a second receptionist open the window.

"yes?" the second receptionist asked.

"I was wondering if my friend is still having her pregnancy test?" Ziva asked her.

"her name?" she asked Ziva.

"Amy Todd, her mother is your boss Rose Tyler-Todd." Ziva told her.

"let me check." the second receptionist said as she closed the window door as Ziva waits.

Rose open the door to the exam room and tapped Ziva's shoulder.

"Rose, how long does the pregnancy test take?" Ziva wondered.

"it's finished and Amy's pregnant." Rose answered.

"she is, that's wonderful." Ziva said with a smile on her face.

"yes it is." Rose also said.

"did she pick a name?" Ziva asked her.

"yes she did and her daughter's  name is Jenna." Rose answered.

"why Jenna?" Ziva wondered.

"she told me that it's the only name that's out of top of her head." Rose told Ziva.

Amy walked out smiled as she hugged Rose.

"again thanks Mom." Amy said to Rose.

"anytime Amy and I see you when I get home." Rose also said.

Amy sees Mia and smiled.

"ready to go home Mia?" she asked.

Mia shook her head yes as Amy kissed Mia's forehead.

"and we get home, me and you including Mommy need to talk." Amy said to her.

"about what Mommy Amy?" Mia asked.

"I tell you when we get home, I promise Mia." Amy reply.

a few minutes later, Ellie came home from work at NCIS as Amy kissed her wife's lips.

"how was the appointment?" Ellie asked her.

"I'm glad you ask Ellie, but first Mia." Amy said as Mia walked in and sits on the couch as Amy and Ellie sits down.

"Mia, remember today when me, you and Ziva went Grandma Rose's work and you stay with Ziva in the other room?" Amy asked her as Mia'a head shakes her head yes.

"well, I had a test done and you going to be a big sister." Amy told her as Mia smiled.

"I'm going to be a big sister?" Mia wondered.

"yes and she will not be born until a few months." Amy answered.

"how long Mommy Amy?" Mia asked. 

"in a way I can answer is nine months." Amy said.

"and me and Mommy Amy are excited to be parents to your little sister." Ellie also said.

"what's my sister's name?" Mia wondered.

"her name will be Jenna." Amy said.

"you haven't pick her middle name?" Ellie asked Amy.

"Charlotte is Jenna's middle name." Amy answered.

"so how we going to tell the rest of the family?" Ellie wondered.

"well that is a work in progress." Amy told her.

Jenny knocked on the door in Amy and Ellie's room as Amy sees her.

"am I interrupt something, I can come back later?" Jenny asked.

"no Jenny it's all right me and Ellie were just finished up talking to Mia about a announcement that I will share awesome news." Amy said to her.

"what kind of announcement it is?" Jenny wondered.

"spoilers Jen." Amy said as Jenny knew what that ment.

"got it Amy." Jenny said.

Amy sighed as she looked down at her stomach.

"in nine months Jenna, Mommy will hold you." Amy said.

"Jenna is a very nice name." Ellie told her.

"yes it is." Amy said as she looked at the empty room next to Mia's room.

"I just figured out Jenna's room will be." Amy said.

"where?" Ellie wondered.

"her room will be next to Mia's room and it just next door also." Amy told Ellie.

later on the night, whole Todd family gathered in the living room as Amy and Ellie walked in without Mia.

"where's Mia?" Michelle asked.

"it's her bedtime." Amy reply.

"so Amy, why you call us down in the living room?" Sam asked her.

"the reason for that is I have an announcement to make here, I'm pregnant." Amy said as the whole Todd family excited.

"will be a boy or a girl?" Wanda asked.

"it's going to be a girl and her name will be Jenna." Amy answered Wanda's question.

"so that's why you were nervous." Donna also said.

"yes Donna." Amy said.

"so Aunt Amy, why you name her Jenna?" Ali wondered.

"it's the first name that is in top of my head Ali." Amy told her.

"so, when is the baby due?" Matt asked her.

"let's see, this July so it be around in April Dad." Amy answered.

"and Amy told me that Ziva will be Jenna's godmother and I pretty sure that Jenna will look like Ziva." Ellie said.

"how you figured that Jenna will look like Ziva?" Jenny wondered.

"I had a dream that Jenna will look like her and she will be a half-timelord and unlimited regenerations also." Amy explained it.

"just like me and Jenny?" Sam asked her.

"yes and we know that Emma will baby sit Jenna, just like she is working at the day-care center at her high school." Amy points out.

"if you want Amy, I could ask my boss or my teacher that I can take Jenna over there?' Emma offered Amy.

"sure." Amy reply.

"and since 2019 school year is coming up, it be an honor that I can baby-sit Jenna." Emma said.

"how can volunteer at the day-care center Emma?" Donna asked her.

"you can either ask the principal or the school councillor about volunteering for the day-care center." Emma answered.

"thanks Emma." Donna said to her.

"so, Mia will have a sister?" Matt asked.

"yes, and she is excited to be a big sister to Jenna." Amy reply.

"all of us is excited to Jenna being born anf in April 2020 no less." Amber said.

"yep." Ali also said.

Chapter 3 soon.

Amy's pregnancyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang