Chapter 26:Jenna's birth part II

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Mia walked in Jenna's room in the family's TARDIS as she sits on the edge of Jenna's bed as Mia still worried not only her Mom Amy, also her sister Jenna as Mia gets a sigh and was about to cry, Padme touched Mia 's knee as Mia looked down and sees Padme and smiled at her cousin and picks up the 1 year old as Padme kissed her.

"thanks Padme I needed that." Mia said as Sam knocked on Jenna's bedroom door.

"you all right Mia?" Sam asked her.

"a little Aunt Sam, but still worried about Jenna." Mia reply.

"I know how you feel when my Mom was getting worried before she announced that she was pregnant with Padme." Sam told Mia.

"she was?" Mia wondered.

"yeah, she was happy that she is pregnant with her, but before she was about to announced that she is pregnant, she was so nervous about it that your grandfather told her that everything was going to be all right and when she told me and your Aunts including your Mom." Sam said.

"but what's it has to do with Jenna?" Mia asked.

"everything, Mom had the courage to tell us that she was pregnant with Padme and when Jenna is born Mia, everything will be all right." Sam reply.

"you sure?" Mia wondered.

"Mia, I'm pretty sure." Sam told Mia.

Mia took a deep breath and looked at the small box that have Jenna's necklace inside as Mia had a idea.

"do you have a pen Aunt Sam?" Mia asked her.

"yes, and why you need a pen?" Sam wondered.

"inside this small box Aunt Sam is Jenna's necklace that I brought at the mall couple of weeks ago and it's a gift for her and I want Mom to give it to her while Mom and Jenna are in Gallifrey when Jenna is grown up." Mia explained it to Sam.

"and I take it that the note you about to write is for Jenna also?" Sam asked her.

"yes." Mia answered.

Sam smiled at Mia and gave her a pen and kissed Mia's cheek.

"what you want to write Mia, make it from the heart." Sam said as Mia went to the desk and put a piece of paper on the desk.

"thanks Aunt Sam." Mia said.

as Mia was about to write a note to Jenna, she looked at the small box that have Jenna's necklace as smiled as she heard the TARDIS landed as Emma knocked on Jenna's bedroom door as Mia looked up to see Emma.

"Mia, we are at the hospital." Emma told her.

"ok thanks Emma." Mia said as she takes the small box along with the pen and paper as she heads out the TARDIS as the TARDIS landed in Amy's hospital room as Amy smiled at Mia.

"hi Mia." Amy said.

"hi Mom and how you feeling?" Mia asked.

"doing much better." Amy answered.

"and Jenna?" Mia wondered.

"she's fine." Amy said.

"here, take the small box please." Mia said.

"Mia, what is it?" Amy wondered.

"a couple of weeks ago when I was at the mall, I went to the jewelry store and saw a blue diamond necklace and I thought that Jenna should have this and it's a gift for her from me Mom." Mia told her.

"that's a awesome gift for her." Amy said.

"and I was about to write a note to her and after I write this note to her, I want her to see it before she sees her necklace." Mia said.

"want me to take the necklace also when me and Jenna in Gallifrey?" Amy wondered.

"yeah and I know I can't call her over there, but I know I will hold herafter she is born." Mia said.

"maybe I can ask River to bend the rules a little so you can talk to her?" Amy offered Mia.

"sure." Mia said.

Mia sits down the chair and write a note to Jenna as Mia yawn a little as Amy sees Mia yawn.

"after you write Jenna's note, why you take a nap?" Amy asked her.

"if I do that, I will be a afraid of missing Jenna's birth." Mia said.

"I'm sure enough that Jenna will understand Mia." Amy told Mia.

"Mom, in the last few minutes I was worried about you and Jenna, and if I miss Jenna's birth I will never, ever forgive myself." Mia said and again yawn.

"Mia, is all right and Jenna will understand." Amy assured her.

"will someone will wake me up when Jenna is born?" Mia asked.

"yes, I will tell your grandmother to wake you up when Jenna is born." Amy answered.

"you sure Mom?" Mia wondered.

"I'm sure Mia, why you finsh up your note to Jenna and get some sleep." Amy said to Mia.

Mia finsh her note to Jenna and put the note on the small box as she kissed Amy's pregnant stomach.

"hopfully I see you after you born Jenna." Mia said as she looked for a bed.

"there is a bed across from me." Amy said as Mia sees it as she pulled privacy curtain close as Mia lay down and went to sleep.

few hours later Mia wakes up as she gets up from bed as she pulled the privacy curtain open as she sees Amy holding Jenna in her arms as Mia smiled.

"Mia, your awake." Amy said.

"yeah, I thought that Grandma Rose will wake me up when Jenna is born?" Mia wondered.

"I had a C-section and it was a no time to wake you up, so we let you sleep." Amy told her.

"how long did Jenna being born?" Mia asked.

"few minutes ago, more like 2:00 in the morning." Amy reply as Jenna fussed a little.

"may I Mom?" Mia asked as Amy hands Jenna to her as Jenna smiled at her sister.

"you had me worried Jenna." Mia said as Jenna looked at her.

"like I never went to deep end." Mia said as Amy laugh.

"she told you that?" Amy asked.

"yeah, and don't forget that I'm half -TARDIS and the TARDIS translate on what she said to me." Mia said as Mia cooed.

"yes, your half-timelord I know." Mia told Jenna.

"your grandma check her two heartbeats and she has no problems." Amy said.

"at least I got to hold her while you both leave for Gallifrey." Mia said as Jenna cooed.

"oh, you stay a couple of days?" Mia asked her as Jenna smiled.

"love you Jenna Charlotte." Mia said and kissed her cheek.

chapter 27 soon.

Amy's pregnancyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz