Chapter 24:Amy's appointment with Rose

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Amy getting dressed as Jenna kicked her as Amy smiled and rubbed her pregnant stomach while Mia walked in the bedroom.

"where you heading off to Mom?" Mia asked.

"I have an appointment with your grandmother at her office." Amy answered.

"it's about Jenna?" Mia asked her.

"no, just a regular doctor's appointment Mia." Amy said.

"speaking of Jenna, she wants to know if she can help with anything?" Mia wondered.

"no, but I know it's early for this but can you prepare Jenna's bed?" Amy asked Mia.

"I all ready did that at our room in the bunker." Mia answered.

"you did?" Amy wondered.

"yeah, couple of weeks ago." Mia told Amy.

"that's good." Amy said.

"yep." Mia agreed.

"if you likes Mia, you can go with me at your grandmother's office?" Amy offered Mia.

"what time is the appointment?" Mia asked her.

"at 1:00 in the afternoon." Amy answered.

"sure." Mia said.

"but we have time Mia." Amy told Mia.

"what we do by then?" Mia asked.

"maybe we have lunch, and then head over to the appointment with your grandmother at 1:00 in the afternoon." Amy suggested it to Mia.

"sounds great Mom." Mia said.

"why you get dressed and I'll be waiting in the living room." Amy said to Mia.

"ok Mom." Mia said.

Amy went to the living room and sees Jenny and Daisy sitting on the couch.

"where you going Amy?" Jenny asked Amy.

"today is my appointment with Mom at her clinic." Amy told her.

"anything wrong with the baby?" Daisy also asked.

"no, just a regular doctor appointment with Mom that's all." Amy answered.

"how's Jenna?" Jenny wondered.

"she's good and as usual she is kicking." Amy told Jenny.

"good." Jenny said.

"I almost forgot, who's watching Padme while Emma is at school?" Daisy asked.

"Mia is and knowing her, she will take Padme along with us." Amy reply.

"well, Ali and Amber wants to baby sit Padme while you and Mia go to the appointment?" Jenny offered Amy.

"sure, and where is Ali and Amber?" Amy wondered.

"they are in the kitchen." Daisy answered.

"Ali, Amber can you two come in the living room?" Amy asked Jenny and Daisy's twin daughters.

"sure." both of them said.

Ali and Amber walked in the living room as they see Amy along with Jenny and Daisy.

"morning Aunt Amy." Ali said to her.

"morning, and I need to asked you both a question?" Amy asked.

"what is it Aunt Amy?" Amber wondered.

"can you two baby sit Padme while me and Mia go to your grandmother's office for my appointment?" Amy asked them.

"sure." both Ali and Amber reply.

"thanks." Amy said.

"before you head out the door Aunt Amy, me and Amber was wondering on how is Jenna?" Ali wondered.

"Jenna is fine and she's is kicking." Amy answered.

"well, we heard rumours that Ziva is sharing a soul with Jenna." Amber said.

"girls, we don't encouraged that you been hearing rumours about your soon to be cousin." Jenny told both Ali and Amber.

"and hearing rumours about that takes trouble also." Daisy also said to them.

"well, it's just rumours we been hearing Mom." Ali said.

"Ali, Mom is right and you know the last time we heard rumours and that wjhat gets us into trouble." Amber reminded her twin sister.

"yeah I almost forgot about that." Ali said and now remembered.

"Padme is upstairs in her room." Amy told both Ali and Amber.

"I go get her." Ali said.

"Ali went upstairs as she sees Mia coming downstairs.

"morning Mia." Ali said to her.

"morning Ali." Mia also said.

"ready Mia?" Amy asked Mia.

"yes and is Jenna still kicking?" Mia wondered.

"she was, but she stopped." Amy reply.

"Jenna, I know you kicking Mom but is all right." Mia said to her soon to be sister.

"she loves to kick Mia, that's all." Amy assured her.

"I know." Mia said.

"oh speaking of whom, she wanted to know that if you are sure that you and her wanted to stay in Ziva's apartment in Paris?" Amy asked her.

"well, we did stay in there and if she wanted to do that I be happy to do that and besides Mom, me and her agreed to stay in Ziva's apartment." Mia reply.

"vy the way, when you and her get off the airport and head to Ziva's apartment please call me?" Amy asked Mia.

"will do Mom." Mia reply as they head out the door as they head to the car.

hours later, Amy and Mia arrived at Rose's doctor's  office as Amy write her name to check in as Mia sits on the chair as Amy sits next to Mia.

"what the appointment is about Mom?" Mia wondered.

"again Mia it is a normal appointment and Mom wanted to hear Jenna's two heartbeat." Amy answered her.

the nurse nodded to Amy as Amy gets up from the chair as Mia helped Amy.

"I'm helping and be with my Mom here." Mia told the nurse.

minutes later, Rose walked in as she sees Amy and Mia in the exam room.

"hi Mia and I didn't know that you are with her?" Rose asked Mia.

"I went with her and helped Mom out." Mia said.

"and how's Mia today?" Rose asked Amy.

"she's fine and kicking as usual." Amy answered.

"you know she was worried about her and Ziva sharing a soul when I was in Padme's bedroom and I told her that her and Ziva 's secret with me." Rose said to Amy.

"and knowing her, she wanted to keep it that way Mom." Amy said and agreed.

"so, it's me, Mom you Grandma Rose, Aunt Wanda, Emma and Padme known this secret here and I have to agreed with Jenna here." Mia said.

"and I heard that from Jenna just before me and Martha went in Padme's bedroom, that Jenna wanted to baby sit Padme." Rose said.

"yeah, and Emma asked me or Jenna asked her is that Jenna wanted to join Torchwood." Mia told Rose.

"she does?" Rose wondered.

"yeah, but she asked me that or wanted me to tell you to talk to you Grandma Rose." Mia told her.

"Jenna wanted to join Torchwood?" Rose asked.

"and this is the first time I heard about it." Amy said.

"I talk to Jenna about it." Rose told both Amy and Mia.

A/N: this chapter is honor of Kobe and his daughter RIP Kobe #8 &# 24 forever.

Chapter 25 soon.

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