Chapter 17 :a move to The Men of Letters bunker early part I

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Matt is in the den as Rose as her cell phone in her ear as Matt looked up at Rose as he sees her talking to someone.

"who you talking to Rose?" he asked her.

"to Dean, hold on Dean let me put you on speaker." Rose said to the older Winchester brother.

Rose turned on speaker on her cell as Matt leans in on his desk.

"Dean you still there?" Rose asked.

"yeah and is Matt there also?" Dean wondered.

"I'm here Dean." Matt answered.

"I have a favor to ask you two?" Dean asked both Matt and Rose.

"go ahead." Rose reply.

"can you and your family move to The Men of Letters bunker early?" Dean both asked Matt and Rose as both of them have a stunned look on both of their faces.

"let me put you on hold Dean." Rose said as she puts the phone on hold as both Matt and Rose still shocked and stunned.

"is he serious?" Matt asked her.

"he is." Rose reply.

"how do you know?" Matt wondered.

"remember one of Gibbs's and our family's rules?" Rose reminded him.

"oh, always trust your gut." Matt said as now remembered.

"yes that rule." Rose also said.

"let wonder why." Matt said as Rose turned off the hold feature on her cell.

"Dean, why you want us move to the bunker early?" Matt asked.

"I need to tell you two in private and I don't know how your house fit in the basement in the bunker, but this is important." Dean answered.

"we be there Dean." Rose said.

Rose hang up the cell as Sam walked in the den along with Wanda.

"was that Dean?" Sam asked.

"yeah." Matt answered.

"is Mia's plane arrived yet?" Rose asked Sam.

"I was going to pick up Mia, along with Ziva and Tali." Wanda also said.

"why you ask?" Sam wondered.

"well, Dean offers me and Matt to have our house back in the basement of the bunker and let all of the family to move in the bunker early." Rose explained.

"wait, that early?" Sam asked.

"yeah." Matt reply.

"something is wrong here." Wanda said.

"what you mean Wanda?" Matt asked.

"I sense something that Dean asked both of you to move in the bunker early." Wanda answered as she sense that she is seeing the future.

"what your witch powers say?" Sam asked her wife.

"the same thing Sam." Wanda told her.

"at any event, I'm going to get Padme ready and Sam, get the TARDIS ready." Rose told Sam.

"got it Mom." Sam reply.

"can I help you with Padme?" Wanda asked Rose.

"sure." Rose answered as Sam gets her car keys.

"oh is Emma, Scarlett and Donna still at school?" Matt asked Sam.

"yeah, but it's a half day because of mid-terms." Sam reply.

"after you pick up Mia, Ziva and Tali at the airport go pick up Emma, Scarlett and Donna?" Matt asked.

"sure." Sam said.

as Sam leaves to the airport, Amy and Jenny walked in the den as Amy is holding her stomach.

"what's going on Dad?" Jenny asked.

"Dean called and we have to go to the Men of Letters bunker." Matt told her.

"about what?" Amy wondered.

"I will fill you in when we are in the TARDIS." Matt said.

"Dad, I want to stay home this time and since I'm pregnant with Jenna." Amy said.

"and how's Jenna?" Matt asked.

"she's fine and kicking in my stomach." Amy answered.

"oh I was meaning to ask, Jenna's middle name will be again?" Matt asked her.

"her middle name is Charlotte, why you ask?" Jenna wondered.

"Magee's wife was asking me on her middle name." Matt said.

"oh ok." Amy also said as she feels Jenna kicking as she puts her hand on her stomach.

"is ok Jenna." Amy said.

"how far in the pregnancy now?" Matt asked.

"going on 6 months now." Amy answered.

"wow." Matt said as Sam returns with Ziva, Mia along with Tali.

"how was the plane back home?' Amy asked.

"fine." Ziva said with a southern accent as Matt looked confused, Amy immediately knew who it was.

"why you speaking in southern accent Ziva?" Matt asked as Amy gets an idea.

"Mia why you meet your grandfather in the TARDIS while I speak to Ziva alone?" Amy asked as Matt walked out the den as Amy shuts the den doors as she looked at Jenna.

"Jenna, you still in Ziva's soul?" Amy wondered.

"you knew Mom?" Jenna asked.

"yeah and it ain't fair to Ziva." Amy told her.

"Ziva, wanted me to see the Men of Letters bunker and I stayed in her soul for a little while longer." Jenna said.

Amy gets an frustrating sigh as she looked at Jenna again.

"ok Jenna, just a little longer and that's it." Amy said.

"thanks Mom." Jenna also said.

"oh just tell him your practicing for a play that is about the south." Amy told Jenna.

"got it." Jenna said.

"before we go, does Mia know about it?" Amy wondered.

"she does and she texted you about." Jenna answered.

"wait, my text message didn't went on." Amy said she check her cell and reads Mia's text.

"did the text show up?" Jenna asked.

"no." Amy answered.

"Mom, Mia knows about it and Ziva will be back after the tour." Jenna said.

"well, at least two of my daughters are here." Amy said.

"speaking of." Jenna said she open the den doors as Mia is waiting.

"Mia, I thought Mom told you wait for us and grandpa Matt?" Jenna asked her.

"I am, but Aunt Sam forgot Emma and Scarlett." Mia answered.

"I thought that she them up after she picked the three of you up at the airport?" Amy wondered.

"she forgot and Donna elected to stay with you Mom." Mia said.

"when she decided that?" Amy asked.

"this morning while you in bed." Morning answered.

"I am glad that Donna will be here with me at home." Amy said.

"yeah and she wants to be home with you." Mia told her.

"again I'm glad that Donna will be here" Amy said.

"we must head to the TARDIS." Jenna told both Amy and Mia.

Chapter 18 soon.

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