Chapter 29:Jenna reunites with Padme

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A/N:this is Jenna's side or Jenna in Gallifrey and as you can see by the title.

Jenna wakes up as she sees the time from her mother's watch as it said 8 :00 as Jenna gets up to see her Mom sleeping and quiet from wherever River put them as she sigh a little as she gets dressed and kissed her Mom's cheek as she see a morning sun near of the mountain as she cry as she missed Padme, the last time she seen Padme was at the hospital when she was a baby as she wipes some tears from her eyes as Amy wakes up and put her hand on Jenna's shoulder as Jenna turned around.

"Mom, morning and I hope I didn't wake you up from my crying?" Jenna asked as she still wipes some more tears from her eyes.

"no, and want to talk about it Jenna?" Amy asked her.

"yeah." Jenna answered.

"you thought about Padme?" Amy wondered.

"yes, and it's unfair that I left, or should say that we left for Gallifrey and it's hard for her for not seeing me in the morning." Jenna said.

"I know Jenna." Amy said with a warm smile on lher face.

"and besides I grew up really fast, I went from a baby, to 10 years old, from teenage years and now in my mid 20's, and there is not a day or night goes by that I don't think about Padme." Jenna told Amy.

"you saying you wanted to go home Jenna?" Amy asked.

"in a word, yes." Jenna reply as Jenna sigh.

"why you take a walk for awhile Jenna and clear your head." Amy suggested it to Jenna.

"I might as well try." Jenna said as she takes her shoes on and head out the door and takes a walk along a walk path as she looked around the mountains and the lakes over there as she was amazed that how warm it is.

"it must be how winter it's like in Gallifrey." Jenna thought to herself as she keeps walking as she sees a bench to sit on as she sits down as she sees a boy hiding in the trees as Jenna smiled at him.

"it is a nice day out." Jenna said to herself as she gets up and heads back to the cabin as she sees Amy and River talking.

"you all right now Jenna?" Amy asked her.

"I'm fine now." Jenna answered.

"that's good." Amy said.

"I was wondering, does Gallifrey's winter time always feel like spring?" Jenna asked.

"yes." River answered.

"Jenna we needed to talk." Amy said.

"about what Mom?" Jenna wondered.

"River wanted us to stay a few more months here at Gallifrey." Amy told her.

"wait what?" Jenna asked.

"it's only a few more months Jenna." River said as Jenna walked out to the porch as Amy looked at River.

"you need to talk to her River." Amy said as she hears Jenna crying.

River approach Jenna as Jenna kept crying as River puts her hand on Jenna's shoulder as Jenna looked at her.

"look Jenna it's just a couple of months that's all." River said.

"River, I promise my little cousin and yours too Padme that when I come back here and I see her after get home." Jenna told her.

"Jenna, I'm sorry." River said.

"you know my Grandma Rose and Grandpa Matt's including my uncle Gibbs's rule: saying sorry is a sign of weakness." Jenna reminded River.

"wait, how you told your cousin that?" River asked.

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