Chapter 25:Jenna's birth part I

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A/N : I am going to skip ahead a few months to Jenna's birth and since April is 3 or 4 months, so I will skip ahead here and this is fan fiction and I don't own Doctor Who (it is a property of BBC)  nor NCIS or supernatural (it is a property of CBS/CW) 

Amy lays in bed since she is 9 months pregnant with Jenna as Jenna left Ziva's soul and knowing she is due at anytime as Ellie her wife walked in and check on Amy as Amy smiled at her wife.

"you all right sunshine?" Ellie asked her.

"yeah, and since Mom puts me on bed rest and you know doctor's orders." Amy answered.

"and how's Jenna?" Ellie wondered.

"she's kicking a little but she's doing all right." Amy told Ellie.

"good." Ellie said as Emma walked in Amy and Ellie's room.

"how you feeling Amy?" Emma wondered.

"I'm all right Emma." Amy answered.

as Amy was about to sit up on the bed, she gets a panic look on her face as she knew her water broke and it's time.

"Emma, go get Mom right away." Amy told Emma.

"what's wrong?" Emma asked.

"my water broke and please go get Mom." Amy said as Emma goes out the door as Amy tried to get up off the bed as Ellie helped her.

"Mia, I need help." Ellie said.

"yeah." Mia said as she walked in.

"where's her coat?" Ellie wondered.

"in the closet, why?" Mia asked.

"Mia Amy's  water broke and it's only a matter of time that Jenna is born." Amy told her.

"ok Mom." Mia said as she gets Amy's winter coat as she kissed Amy's pregnant stomach.

"it be all right Jenna." Mia said quietly.

Rose walked in as she looks at Amy.

"how long did your water broke?" Rose asked Amy.

"not too long ago Mom." Amy answered as she yelped.

"it be all right Amy." Rose said in a calming voice.

"Mom, I'm scared." Amy said.

"again Amy, it's all right and it's ok to be scared." Rose told her as Mia gave the winter coat to Rose as Rose sees Amy's panic look on her face.

"Mia, go in the living room and check if the ambulance have arrived?" Rose asked Mia.

"sure." Mia said as Mia walked downstairs as Jenny is in the living room reading a book as she sees Mia looking out the living room window.

"Mia, what's happened?" Jenny asked.

"Mom's water broke and she's in labor." Mia said.

"when?" Jenny wondered.

"a few minutes ago." Mia answered.

"I'll go get Donna and Scarlett from the mall and I'll meet you over at the hospital." Jenny told Mia.

"got it." Mia said as Rose and Ellie helped Amy downstairs as Mia turned around and get a little worried look on her face.

"Aunt Jenny is getting Donna and Scarlett from the mall and she is going to meet us at the hospital." Mia said.

"Jenna is ok Mia." Amy said as Mia still worried.

"want me to ride with you in the ambulance Mom?" Mia asked.

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