Chapter 28 : Jenna calls Mia

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it's been over two months that River Song or her real name  Melody Pond took Amy and Jenna to Gallifrey as Mia is sitting in bed with her knees bent while reading a book as Michelle knocked on the door as Mia looked up to see Michelle.

"hi Aunt Michelle." Mia said.

"hi Mia and how you doing?" Michelle asked her.

"that's the forth time that I been asked that question." Mia said.

"forth, who was the other three?" Michelle wondered.

"first it was Jessica, second it was Kate, the third it was Mary and like I said your the forth person to asked me that question." Mia told Michelle.

"we just worried Mia since your mother and Jenna left to Gallifrey two months ago." Michelle said.

"I know Aunt Michelle, but she will be home." Mia said.

"your handling Jenna not around well." Michelle said.

"yeah." Mia said as Mia's cell phone rings as she gets a puzzled look on her face as the caller ID said unknown number.

"it's probably those stupid robo calls." Michelle told her.

Mia answered the cell phone and put it on her ear.

"hello." Mia said.

"Mia." a soft southern accent said back as Mia smiled and gets a shocked look on her face at the same time.

"Jenna!" Mia said as Michelle gets a shocked look on her face.

"I leave you two to talk." Michelle said as she left.

"how you were able to talk to me over at Gallifrey?" Mia wondered.

"Mom had a talk to River to bend a rule a little and she brought a cell phone couple of weeks ago." Jenna said.

"she did?" Mia wondered.

"yeah and I decided to call you." Just answered.

"I'm so glad that you call me Jenna." Mia said.

"me too." Jenna also said.

"so how you been?" Mia asked her.

"good, I asked Mom when we come home and she said in a couple of weeks." Jenna answered.

"good, and where is Mom at?" Mia asked.

"she's with River to see one of the mountains and I said that I stay here." Jenna told her.

"oh I was wondering that if Mom gave you my gift for you Jenna?" Mia wondered.

"as a matter of fact I did and beautiful necklace Mia I love it and the note you wrote, that bring me to tears." Jenna answered.

"glad you love it Jenna." Mia said.

"how's Padme by the way?" Jenna asked her.

"Jenna, she's been crying for you every night and she keeps looking for you in the morning and Emma calmed her down." Mia reply.

"aww, where is she?" Jenna wondered.

"she's with Mary in the living room." Mia said.

"I have a idea." Jenna said.

"what is it?" Mia asked.

"I could ask Mom that we can come home early." Mia said.

"I hope so." Mia also said.

"and I can stay a couple of weeks at home before me, you and Mom head for Paris and London." Jenna suggested it.

"Jenna, that sounds a good idea." Mia said.

"and you know what River said to me." Jenna said.

"what?" Mia asked.

"she told me that I look like Grandma Rose and Grandpa Matt's friend Ziva and I just laughed and she didn't even know that me and Ziva sharing a soul." Jenna answered.

"true." Mia said as Padme walked in as Mia sees her.

"Jenna, hold on ok?" Mia asked her.

"ok Mia." Jenna said as Mia picked up Padme as she kissed her cheek.

"Jenna, let me put you on facetime." Mia told her.

Mia pushed the facetime button as Jenna show on the other side of facetime video as Padme gets a happy look and smile on her face.

"Jenna!" Padme said.

"hi Padme you missed me?" Jenna asked her as Padme nodded her head yes.

"I missed you too Padme." Jenna said to Padme.

Padme smiled at Jenna. 

"I am hearing that your sad that I'm not here?" Jenna asked her as Padme nodded her head yes.

"I tell you what Padme, when I come home and how about that you and me have the whole day together how's that sound?" Jenna asked her.

"yes." Padme answered.

"and I promise that I will never leave you again." Jenna said to Padme.

"why, we can take her to Paris and London with us?" Mia suggested it.

"that's a good idea Mia." Jenna said.

"Jenna." Padme said.

"what angel?" Jenna asked.

"she just missed you so bad." Mia told her.

"just the other day I had a blow up with River." Jenna said.

"what happened?" Mia wondered.

"well, River suggested that me and Mom stay another few months here a this is in the morning mind you, and I just so emotional about not seeing Padme and I just lost it right then and there Mia." Jenna said.

"was Mom know what you going thru?" Mia asked her.

"she did and she explained to River that I was just missing Padme and told her that the close bond between her and me, just like Emma is with Padme." Jenna answered.

"maybe I could ask Mom that she can take Padme to Gallifrey and you and her catch up." Mia suggested it to Jenna.

"you can Mia?" Jenna wondered.

"yeah, since River let you bend a rule a little, so I think is fair play that you can bend that rule." Mia said.

"again, Mia there were days that I cry myself to sleep or in the morning and just missing Padme back at home." Jenna told Mia.

"I know Jenna, I know." Mia said.

"and I can say the same with Padme also." Jenna said.

"in the mornings yes, but at night grandma Rose and grandpa Matt or Emma stay with her before her bedtime and I think is the way that either occupy or keep Padme calm at nights when you not around." Mia told her.

"what about in the morning when I'm not there?" Jenna asked.

"either Emma or Aunt Wanda come in her room, but they know is hard for her to not seeing you." Mia said.

"and hide in my long hair." Jenna said and agreed.

"why she hide in your long hair?" Mia wondered.

"you see Mia." Jenna reply.

"again why, does get scared or something?" Mia asked her.

"again Mia, you see why she hide in my long hair." Jenna told her.

Chapter 29 soon.

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