Chapter 13:Amy takes a look at Jenna's room

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Amy sat up in bed as she sees the winter storm out as the windows are coved in ice as Ellie gets her winter gear as Amy looked at her wife.

"where you heading off to?" Amy asked her.

"Ziva just called and she needs help with belongings." Ellie answered.

"why?" Amy wondered.

"Ziva is moving here and Matt and Rose have another bedroom that they didn't even know about." Ellie told her.

"I'm very happy that Ziva is moving and she, Mom and Dad are very, very close to her and that's including our family." Amy said.

"Ziva and Rose are very close friends?" Ellie wondered.

"so close, you might say they are very best friends when Ziva and Mom first met and that's the day Mom was about to tell Dad that she is pregnant with Jenny." Amy told her.

"wow." Ellie said as Emma knocked on Amy's bedroom door.

"morning Amy and Aunt Ellie." Emma said.

"morning Emma." Amy also said.

"are you heading out Aunt Ellie?" Emma asked.

"yes." Ellie answered.

"well be careful and the roads are dicey as we are under a level 3 snow emergency." Emma told her.

"don't worry Emma, I take the side streets to get to Ziva's old home." Ellie said.

as Ellie walked out of the bedroom, Emma looked at Amy.

"why is she going to Ziva's old home?" Emma asked.

"have you heard on what's going on?" Amy asked Emma as Emma's shook her head no.

"Mom and Dad are helping Ziva pack up and she is moving in here." Amy said as Emma looked surprised.

"your serious?" Emma wondered.

"yeah." Amy answered.

"where is Ziva's room?" Emma asked her.

"I think across Donna's bedroom." Amy answered.

"I thought Ziva will be in Paris?" Emma thought.

"she is and she is taking Tali with her." Amy said.

"Tali loves to be with Padme when Tali was here last year." Emma said.

"same with Padme with Tali." Amy agreed.

Jenna kicked as Amy smiled as that's Jenna's way to say good morning.

"morning sweetheart." Amy said as Emma smiled.

"how did you know what Jenna kicked to say good morning?" Emma asked.

"knowing the way that she kicks." Amy answered.

"I'm going to check on Padme and I'll be right back." Emma said as Amy gets up.

"ready for the day Jenna?" Amy asked as she holds her pregnant stomach.

Amy walked in to Jenna's room as she thought a crib was a good idea as she knows Jenna will be grown as half-timelords grow from baby to grown up in a few months as Jenna kicked.

"maybe you should get a bed instead a crib since you going to be a grown up and that's how half-timelords grow up." Amy said while looking down at her pregnant stomach and talking to Jenna at the same time.

Emma comes back with Padme in her arms as Padme kissed Amy's pregnant stomach as Amy smiled as she feels Jenna kicked.

"Jenna loves the kiss from you Padme." Amy said as Padme also smiled.

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