Chapter 27:Mia baby sits Jenna

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the next day after Jenna is born and visits from family and friends, Mia is in Amy's hospital room as Amy leaves for a little walk as Mia sees Jenna sleeping as Mia smiled and pick up Jenna as Mia hopefully don't wake Jenna up.

"hi Jenna." Mia said as she kissed her little sister as Jenna wake up.

Jenna yawn as she sees Mia and smiled.

"did I wake you?" Mia asked as Jenna yawn again.

"I'm sorry Jenna." Mia said as Jenna looked at her.

"I know it our family rule, but your my little sister so." Mia said.

Jenna touched Mia's cheek as Mia smiled.

"I wish that you don't have to go to Gallifrey." Mia told Jenna as Jenna cooed.

"I know it's going to be awhile." Mia said to her.

Rose walked in the room as she sees Mia holding Jenna in her arms.

"where's your mother?" Rose asked.

"she went for a little walk, so I'm baby sitting Jenna." Mia reply.

"how's Jenna?" Rose wondered.

"she's fine and awake." Mia answered.

"I was about to wake you up, but I hope your mother told you on what happened." Rose said to Mia.

"Mom told me on what happened and so glad on holding Jenna early this morning." Mia said.

"good." Rose said.

"and I know she and Mom will be at Gallifrey with River and I'm worried that she is all right." Mia told Rose.

"Jenna will be all right Mia." Rose assured her.

"and we all know that Jenna is officially will look like Ziva and have a southern accent." Mia said.

"yeah, she have the same brown hair and eyes just like Ziva also." Rose also said.

"you know her middle name is Charlotte?" Mia asked Rose.

"I know, when your mother said Jenna Charlotte, I knew it's the perfect middle name." Rose answered.

"Jenna is so very close to me and when we were in Paris, she saw this fedora hat and fell in love with she brought it and she hang it on the hat rack." Mia said.

Jenna cooed as Mia smiled.

"your hat still there Jenna." Mia told her.

"let me guess, the TARDIS translate on what she saying?" Rose asked her.

"yeah, but still remember our two weeks together in Paris." Mia said.

"let me get Padme and let her see Jenna before she leaves to Gallifrey with your mother and River." Rose told her.

"ok." Mia said.

Mia stands up and walked to the rocking chair still with Jenna in her arms as she sits on the rocking chair and kissed Jenna's forehead as Jenna smiled.

"love you to Jenna." Mia said and smiled.

Rose bring Padme in the room as Padme sees Jenna.

"early this morning, Padme was waiting for Jenna to be in her room and I had to reminded Padme that Jenna was born and Jenna left Ziva's soul and she is sad that Jenna is not around." Rose explained as Padme still looking for Jenna.

"Padme, Jenna is here and I'm holding her right now." Mia assured her.

"Padme, remember what Jenna told you that her and our friend was sharing a soul with her and you understand that?" Rose asked her as Padme nodded her head still sad.

"why you say hi to her." Mia said as Padme kissed Jenna's cheek as Jenna smiled.

"Jenna told me that after she gets back home that you and her spend all day with her, you like that Padme?" Mia asked as Padme nodded her head yes.

"she promise Padme don't worry." Rose said.

"why you have Padme stay in the room and baby sitting not only Jenna, but with Padme as well." Mia suggested it to Rose.

"sure and if your Aunt Jenny, Aunt Sam, Aunt Daisy or your Aunt Wanda or any of your cousins stop by and see Jenna, tell them meet you and your mother in the waiting room." Rose told Mia.

"got it grandma Rose." Mia said.

Rose leaves the hospital room as Padme kissed Jenna's cheek as Jenna smiled at Padme.

"Jenna said thank you." Mia said.

"how you know what she said?" the one year old asked.

"oh, you speaking in a full sentence good, anyway me and her have a very special and close to each other." Mia told her.

"oh." Padme said.

Mia sigh a little as Jenna cooed.

"nothing is wrong Jenna." Mia said.

Padme sits on the chair as Jenny and Sam walked in the room as Mia smiled at her two aunts.

"hi Aunt Jenny and Sam." Mia said to them.

"hi, where is Amy?" Jenny asked her.

"Mom is having her walk and as for right now I'm baby sitting Jenna and Padme." Mia reply.

"when does Amy will be back?" Sam also asked.

"at any moment Aunt Sam." Mia told her.

"how is Jenna?" Jenna wondered.

"she's fine and just want to be with me before Mom and River takes her to Gallifrey and to be perfectly honest with you Aunt Jenny, I don't know when Jenna will return home from Gallifrey." Mia said.

"for me, your mother and Aunt Sam we been over there for 6 to 8 months before we came home to Mom and Dad." Jenny told Mia.

"and as you know we half-timelords grow up fast and you have to be patient and before you know it Mia, Jenna will be back home." Sam also said to Mia.

"you sure Aunt Jenny and Aunt Sam?" Mia wondered.

"we are sure Mia." Jenny said.

Mia looked at Jenna as sigh a little as Amy walked in and sees her sisters in the room with Mia.

"hi." Amy said.

"hi Amy and how you feeling?" Jenny asked.

"better." Amy answered.

"we are seeing Jenna for the first time and we see Mia baby sitting Jenna and Padme." Jenny said.

"why you baby sitting Padme?" Amy asked Mia.

"grandma Rose wanted me to baby sit Padme while being with Jenna." Mia answered.

"how is Padme handling Jenna as a baby?" Amy wondered.

"well, grandma Rose told me that Padme was looking for Jenna and she always see Jenna in the morning and sad that Jenna is not around and she seen Jenna and me and grandma Rose assured her that is Jenna." Mia told Amy.

"does Padme know now?" Jenny asked Mia.

"yes she does now Aunt Jenny." Mia reply.

"that's good." Jenny said.

"oh, grandma Rose told me that meet her in the waiting room and for the rest of the family to see Jenna today." Mia said.

"right now?" Sam wondered.

"yes." Mia answered.

Chapter 28 soon.

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