Chapter 5: Mia looked at the heart of the TARDIS

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Matt, Jenny, Sam and Dean Winchester alone with the Todd's family angel and Sam and Dean's mother Mary is in the TARDIS as Matt shows the three Winchester's on how the TARDIS engine works as Ellie and Mia enter the TARDIS as Matt smiled at her granddaughter.

"whay you guys doing?" Ellie asked.

"showing the Winchester's on how the TARDIS engine works." Matt answered.

"wait, Dad let me check if the heart of the TARDIS doors are closed." Jenny told him.

"why closed?" Sam asked.

"Jenny will explain later." Matt answered.

"got it." Sam said.

"is it bad?" Dean wondered.

"like Matt said, and trust me on it." Mary told Dean.

"hi grandpa." Mia said to Matt.

"hi Mia." Matt also said.

"and please Sam and Dean, whatever you do, do not open the heart of the TARDIS doors." Matt said.

"can I leave Mia with you?" Ellie asked.

"sure." Matt answered as Mia accidentally open the heart of the TARDIS doors as the gold lights enter her eyes as Mia cried.

"Mia!" Jenny said as Ellie tried to pick her up.

"Jenny, call the hospital now!" Matt said as Matt closed the heart of the TARDIS doors.

"what we can do?" Dean asked.

"meet us at the hospital." Matt answered as he sees Ellie gets a worried look on her face.

"don't worry Ellie and we know what's going on." Matt assured her.

"you do?" Ellie asked.

"Mia will grow up, Ali and Amber went thru it, so did my twin daughters, Daisy and Sam's daughters and so did Michelle." Matt answered.

"you sure?" Ellie asked him.

"I'm sure Ellie." Matt said.

Matt took Mia to the hospital as Jenny went with him as Mia is asleep as they arrived at the hospital as Rose took Mia on of the hospital rooms as Amy walked in the ER.

"how's Mia?" Amy asked.

"she's fine and as you know she grew up and looked like Priyanka Chopra." Rose answered.

"she is married to one of the Jonas brothers?" Amy wondered.

"yes." Rose reply.

"Nick if I remember correctly." Amy said.

"yes, she is married to Nick." Rose told her as Ellie approach Rose and Amy.

"how's Mia?" Ellie asked.

"fine and let her rest." Rose told Ellie.

late on the night Rose checked on Mia's vitals as Mia woke up.

"what time is it?" Mia asked.

"midnight Mia." Rose reply.

"what happened?" Mia wondered.

"you looked inside the heart of the TARDIS doors." Rose answered.

"oh that's right, grandpa was about to close it and I looked inside it." Mia now remembered.

"what can you remember before you looked inside the heart of the TARDIS doors?" Rose asked.

"I remember that grandpa warned Sam and Dean Winchester to close the the heart of the TARDIS doors." Mia answered.

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