Chapter 30 :a trip to Paris and London part I

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Mia is in the kitchen making breakfast for the morning as she sees Rose and Matt walked in the kitchen as they see Mia happy.

"your a feeling better Mia." Rose said as she grabbed her coffee mug and pour coffee in it.

"yeah and can you two keep a secret?" Mia asked both of them.

"sure." Matt reply.

"I got a call from Mom and she along with Jenna is coming home and as you know that me, Mom and Jenna are heading to Paris and London." Mia told her grandparents.

"well, we know that Mia." Rose said.

"but, we are taking Padme along with us." Mia said.

"when today?" Rose wondered.

"yeah, me and Jenna stayed at Ziva's apartment when Jenna sharing a soul with her but since Ziva is back, she let us the apartment while Tony and his father take a month long trip though out Europe." Mia answered.

"are you taking the TARDIS?" Matt wondered.

"no, heading to the airport and me and Jenna are seeing the Eiffel Tower at night, we didn't fully experience that the last time." Mia reply.

"and why you heading to London?" Rose asked Mia.

"Mom wanted to show us on where you and Grandpa Matt meet and where you lived also grandma Rose." Mia said.

"oh, you should look for a department store over there Mia." Rose suggested it to Mia.

"why is that?" Mia wondered.

"a year before I met your grandfather, I was working at this department store when I was with your Uncle Mickey and it was the place where I met the Doctor." Rose told Mia.

"you did?" Mia asked.

"yep." Rose reply as the heard the TARDIS engine as Mia smiled and knowing she is seeing her sister Jenna again.

"let's head down in the basement." Matt said as Mia, Matt and Rose  walked down to the basement as Mia sees Jenna as both Mia and Jenna hugged each other.

"welcome home Jenna." Mia said to her sister and now close best friend.

"thanks Mia." Jenna said.

"welcome back Jenna." Rose said.

"thanks grandma Rose." Mia also said.

"where's Padme?" Rose asked Jenna.

"Mom has her cause she was taken a nap." Jenna answered.

"let's head to our room and help me pack." Mia said to her as Jenna carried her suitcase and put it on the living room floor as both Mia and Jenna go upstairs.

"so, how was Gallifrey?" Mia asked.

"nice, but their winter feels like spring." Jenna reply.

"it was?' Mia wondered.

"yeah, feels weird that their winter is spring weather." Jenna said.

as Mia and Jenna head at the top of the stairs Jenna goes to Padme's nursery.

"what you getting from Padme's nursery?" Mia asked her.

"I'm getting Padme's fox that Donna gave her for Christmas." Jenna said as she grabbed Padme's fox in Padme's crib.

as Mia and Jenna enter their room, Jenna sees her fedora hat and puts it on her head.

"that hat you brought that we were in Paris looks awesome on you Jenna." Mia told her.

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