Chapter 1

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((Btw the picture is from Mioko-San on Tumblr, THEY ARE AMAZING.!! The picture is Eren and Armin with their made up kids - its not Levi and Petra))

Armin's POV

"Petra!!" Levi's deep voice shouted, his voice echoing down the empty street.

Petra kept on running.

"PETRA LOOK OUT!!" Levi's ran out after her.

Petra turned around as the large vehicle approached. Levi pushed her roughly to the ground and took the impact of the car smashing into his neck. Petra screamed as his limp head his the concrete. Pools of blood creeped out from his body. She grabbed him, sobbing hysterically. The man in the vehicle had driven off in a frenzy.


"D-DAD!!" Petra choked out.

I ran out the front door, hearing my daughters calls. As I saw Levi's body and Petra hunched over him crying, I immediately jumped off the porch and ran to them, despite my condition.

"Oh my god!!" I cried, holding Levi. "E-EREN!!"

Eren was running towards us.

"C-CALL 911!" I sobbed.

"But Armin..." Eren said softly.

"Eren, call!!" I yelled.


"What dont you understand!?"



"Armin!?" Eren yelled, shaking me. He was looking at me with frightened eyes. "Armin whats wrong!? Stop yelling!!" He hissed.

I realised I was screaming. I shut my mouth and lunged into his arms, sobbing into his chest.

"Hey..." Eren said softly. "Nightmare again?" He asked.

I whimpered and nodded. "I-It was horrifying Eren." I whispered.

"What happened?" He asked, rubbing my back and petting my hair.

"L-Levi was run over by a c-car." I choked, only causing more sobs to erupt.

"Shhhhh..." He cooed. "Its okay it was only a dream."

I nodded slowly as the tears kept pouring down my face. Id hate to think anything like that would happen to my children. After a while of Eren comforting me I eventually let him go and got up.

I tiptoed barefoot through the halls of the empty house. It was around 6am, the time I usually woke up. I walked past Levi's room, having a quick peek inside just to make sure he was okay. He was snoring softly, perfectly fine. I smiled to myself and checked on Petra too, who was also sleeping peacefully. I made my way to the kitchen and put the kettle on, yawning and rubbing my sore eyes. I had been having nightmares quite often lately, mostly about something bad happening to our kids.

"Hi." I heard a voice from behind me. I turned around and saw little Levi, rubbing his eyes. He was the eldest being 5 years old while Petra was 4

"H-Hey, what are you doing up so early?" I asked, crouching down to him and giving him a hug.

"I wanted to wake up early like Minny." He said, making me giggle. Because there was two dads he called Eren 'Ren Ren' and me 'Minny'. I was completely fine with it, I thought it was really cute.

"But little boys like you need to get your sleep." I looked at him and smiled.

"Im not little." Levi pouted and crossed his arms.

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