Chapter 7

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"Hurry up or you'll be late!!" I called.

"Im coming, Im coming!" Levi yelled, running down the stairs. Petra was not far behind him.

"Come on!" I ushered them out the front door. Eren hopped in the car next to me looked quite handsome with his hair spiked up. I smiled at him and drove off.

The kids were off to a sleepover at their friends house while Eren and I were going to Jean's birthday. Levi was now in year three and Petra was in year two, they had seriously grown up so fast.

"Dont break anything." Eren said to the kids as we arrived

"Have fun." I smiled. They said goodbye and hopped out of the car, running to the front door. Once they had gone in we waved and made our way to Jean and Marco's place. Come to think of it, Marco never told me about the kid situation... Maybe he would tell me tonight.

"Hey guys!" Marco greeted us at the door.

"Hey." Eren and I replied, giving him a hug. We saw Jean in the kitchen and he walked up to greet us.

"Glad you could make it. Well Armin anyway." Jean smirked and Eren who rolled his eyes.

"Happy birthday." I smiled, handing him his present.

"And this is from me." Eren smirked, taking a carrot from his pocket. "Happy bithday horse-face."

I giggled and Jean glared at him. It was all games though.

The party was great. Well, what I remember of it anyway. A couple of other people came and we all ate and laughed. Then Jean came out with some alcohol of some sort, I wasn't sure what it was. All I knew was that it was so strong that I only had two glasses and I was absolutely pissed. Everything from then on was blurry. I faintly remember some people leaving but Eren and I stayed. I also remember drinking a shit ton of water so I wouldn't be as sick the next morning, hopefully it would dilute the alcohol and wouldn't make my weak stomach explode or anything.


I woke up from a pain in my back and head. I opened my eyes slowly, trying to adjust to the light and immediately after realising I wasnt wearing any clothes, I rolled over to the side of the bed and grabbed my clothes. My hangover was terrible. I stood up and after the dizzyness went away I got dressed.

I noticed I was alone in a room, no Eren or anyone.

I walked out the door and walked around the house to find out where everyone was. Luckily, I wasnt feeling that sick yet.

I saw Marco in the kitchen, his head in his hands and his elbows propped up on the kitchen bench.

"Hey Marco." I said, he looked up at me and frantically regained himself.

"H-Hey Armin." He replied, giving me a weird smile.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Y-Yeah why wouldnt I be?" He stammered.

I looked at him and sighed.

"Anyways, do you know where Eren-"

"NO." He said in a rush. He cleared his throat and looked at me suspiciously. "N-No I dont."

"Um... Okay...?" I said, walking away. Marco was being really strange. I walked down the hall and walked past Marco and Jean's room but stopped when I heard Eren's familiar snoring. I rolled my eyes and went back to the door. As I peeked in I saw a horrifying sight.

My husband was in a bed with Jean.

And it didn't seem like they were wearing clothes.

I turned around and hid behind the wall, with my hand over my mouth in disbelief.

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