Chapter 3

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Author POV (I'll try it)

Levi walked out to the front of the house and sat down next to his sister on the grass.

"What are you doing?" He asked Petra.

"Playing." She said, building something with Lego blocks.

"Can I join?" Levi asked, watching with awe as Petra placed blocks ontop of the other.

"Okay." Petra pushed some of the blocks over to Levi.

"Lets make a big castle!" Levi exclaimed.

"Yeah!" Petra stood up. "The princess needs her castle!"

"More like the prince." Levi stood up next to her.

"Princess." Petra glared at Levi.

"Prince." He shot back.



"Fine, we can both live in the castle." Petra huffed.

"Tch. Fine." Levi rolled his eyes and they both began building the castle.

Armin was inside cooking pasta, while Eren was helping.

"Where are the kids?" Armin asked.

"I'm pretty sure they're outside." Eren replied.

"By theirselves?" Armin looked at Eren.

"...Yeah. Ill go check on them." Eren said.

"I don't think they should be outside on their own." Armin looked cocerned.

"I'll check on them." Eren repeated, and walked out, Luka following behind him. He went out the front door and watched Petra and Levi building their castle. Eren walked over to them and crouched down, admiring their work.

"This is so cool." He said.

"Dont touch!!" Levi told his father.

"I won't." Eren laughed. "Are you kids okay out here by yourselves?" He asked.

"Of course. The princess and prince are fine by theirselves." Petra explained.

Eren smiled. "Of course. But just remember if something bad happens, or if someone comes up to you-"

"Scream as loud as you can." Petra smiled.

"I was gunna say that!" Levi whined.

"Its okay, I know you kids are smart. Luka's going to stay with you and I'll call you for lunch in about ten minutes." Eren smiled and hugged the children, then walked back inside to help Armin.

"Hi Luka!" Petra giggled as the large dog licked her face to death.

"Cmon lets keep going!" Levi said hurridley.

They continued building their house, little did they know someone was creeping up on them; and it wasn't Eren or Armin for they were inside cooking, unaware.

"Hello." A man said, startling the children.

Petra and Levi were smart kids and instead of saying anything they screamed as loud as they possibly could. The man growled and tried to lunge at them, but Luka quickly jumped infront and barked. The man tried to push Luka out of the way but she growled and sunk her teeth into his arm. The man yelled in pain and at this point Eren and Armin had run out. Eren quickly pushed Petra and Levi and told them to run to Armin who was calling the police. Eren was horrified as Luka began ripping chunks of flesh off the man. Eren was going to yell at Luka but was paralysed with fear that she would turn on him, instead he ran back to the porch and pushed his family indoors.

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