Chapter 14

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Im so looking forward to reading your painful comments...


"Hes dead!!" Petra cried, falling to the floor in a crying mess.

I stood there in complete shock, not knowing how to react. Should I be angry or sad? Petra seemed to notice my state of confusion and was outraged.

"What kind of a fucking father are you!?" She yelled.

"Hes not a father at all." Eren appeared and stared at me with disgust.

"B-But!" I tried to reach for them but they faded away and disappeared, leaving me in the room alone.

Im a terrible father.

Im not even a father at all.

"You need to calm down!! Wake up!!"

I snapped back into reality and covered my hands with my mouth.

"E-Eren?" I quivered, he was hugging me.

"Armin! Are you back?" He pulled away and looked into my eyes.

"B-Back from where?" I asked.

"You were saying some weird things." Eren frowned.


"You woke up screaming and started yelling that you were a terrible father and something about someone dying... I dont know but you really freaked me out, are you okay?"

"I... I dont even remember saying any of that..." I whispered, tears were streaming down my face.

"Did you have a bad dream?" Eren asked, pulling me back in. I sobbed quietly into his chest and nodded.

"I d-dont exactly know what happened. Petra was yelling that someone died a-and you and Petra were telling me I was a terrible father-"

"Armin, you know I would never say that." Eren cooed.

"I know, just... it seemed so real." I sniffed.

We sat there for a few more minutes, enjoying eachothers comfort before we finally decided to get up. I walked past the kids room and saw both their doors were wide open.

"Where are the kids?" I asked.

"I dont know I just got up like you." Eren stretched.

We walked downstairs, calling Levi and Petra's name but they weren't replying. I began to worry.

"W-Where are they!?" I yelled, hyperventilating slightly.

"I'm sure they're fine-"

"GET YOUR HANDS OFF HER!!" Levi's voice yelled from outside.

"L-LEVI!" I yelled, running out the front.

Two boys were holding Petra and dragging her towards the road, while Levi was getting held back by two other boys, they were all twice Levi and Petra's size.

Everything seemed to move in slow motion as the boys threw Petra onto the road. A car approached and Petra frantically tried to get up, despite a badly grazed knee. Levi punched one of the boys that was holding him and kicked the other one in the balls before running after Petra. He pushed her out of the way and took the full impact of the four-wheeled drive on his neck. Petra let out a blood curdling scream as Levi fell to the floor in a puddle of blood, the car sped off.

In an instant I was down on the floor next to the kids, crying and screaming. Eren tried to chase after the boys but they had disappeared. Some neighbours came outside to see what was happening, and one called 911 while we were all huddled around Levi.

"I'm sorry..." I kept saying over and over.

What kind of father would let this happen?


The car had rammed Levi right in the neck, luckily it didnt damage his spine, but his voicebox was critically injured.

Levi would never be able to speak again.

After a long time in the hospital (again), Levi was fine to go home. We were greeted by Luka, Luke and her 4 puppies. At the moment they didnt have permanent names, as we were planning to give them away.

We sat silently that night eating dinner. There was nothing to talk about, not that anyone wanted to anyway. Ever since this whole incident everyone was really quiet. I began thinking of everything that had happened over the years.

Why us?

Before I knew it I choked out a sob and Eren instantly put his arms around me.

"Shhh..." He cooed. I couldnt hold it in anymore and practically yelled into Eren's chest.

"Im sorry..." I heard Petra mumble.

I stopped crying and took a few deep breaths before wiping my eyes and sitting back up.

"F-For what?" I asked.

"For everything! None of this wouldve happened if I werent so stupid!" She yelled, letting her tears fall freely down her face.

"You didnt do anything." I said softly.

"Im the one that got the bullies that morning, it was my fault." She looked down..

"W-What?" Eren asked.

"That morning, I saw them crossing the road... I thought that if I confronted them and told them to stop they would; but I was stupid and now look what happened!!" She cried.

"Thats not your fault." Eren said.

"How!?" Petra sobbed.

"Because you were trying to help, you didnt know that all that was going to happen." Eren explained.

Petra stayed silent for a while, then stood up. "Thanks for dinner." She mumbled and walked off. Levi looked at us with an emotionless expression and walked off after her.

Eren and I sat there in silence.


did i mention that in aot i actually hate levi

which is why ive changed his personality a bit in the story



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