Chapter 20

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Armin POV

"Hey, I'm still here you know." I poked my head around the cafe front doors to see Levi and Robert making out on the wall. They pulled apart and looked at me, extremely embarrased while I smirked and laughed at them.

"Man they're cute." I walked back inside the cafe to close up and sighed.

"I know." Eren chuckled, emerging from the storeroom carrying a box with one hand.

"What's in the box?" I asked, locking the kitchen door.

"Some serviettes. Running low at home." Eren walked out the front door.

"We need them for here too you know." I locked the front door behind him.

"Theres like five more boxes out back, I'm sure we'll live." Eren rolled his eyes and unlocked the car. He placed the box in the boot while Levi, Robert and I got in the car. Levi and Robert had been going out for three months now and Robert was living happily with his uncle, visiting us often. It was great to have him around. He was helpful and kind, and he made Levi happy.

We drove home and walked through the front door, Levi and Robert going upstairs to Levi's room while Eren and I went to the kitchen.

"Hey." Petra called, walking up to us.

"Hi." I smiled, taking out some food for dinner while Eren was grumbling as he tried to stuff about twenty packets of serviettes in the pantry. "Eren you dumbass." I slapped the back of his head and laughed.

"Hey!" He grabbed my hand and twirled me around in a circle before dipping me and giving me a kiss. I heard Petra's giggling from behind.

"You guys are so stupid." She laughed.

I got out of Eren's arms and pinched his nose before grabbing all the serviettes. "You can't put all of them in here at once." I rolled my eyes, leaving on packet in the pantry and dropping the rest in the box.

"I knew that..." Eren mumbled, grabbing the box and placing it on the kitchen bench.

"No you didn't." I smirked.

"Anyways, guys guess what!" Petra exclaimed.

"Hm?" Eren and I looked at her.

She pulled up her shirt a little to reveal her stomach. "Look, I'm getting a little bump." She giggled.

I smiled. "Thats great."

"Take care of it." Eren said.

"Nah I'll just let it die." Petra rolled her eyes.

I heard my phone ring from my pocket, and pulling it out I noticed it was a private number.

"One sec." I said, walking out to the backyard.

"Hello?" I answered the phone.

"Hello, Armin." A female voice spoke from the other end. She spoke in a deep, bored tone, and it seemed familiar.

"Who is this?" I asked.

"I'm hurt that you don't remember me, Armin."

Then I remembered.

"Mornin' sunshine."

"You don't even ask for an introduction?"

"...Hurting my girlfriends feelings."

My eyes widened in realisation.

She came back.

"I assume you've realised." The voice chuckled. "Nice to hear from you again."


"W-Why are you... W-What do you-" I stuttered, I was paralysed with fear. This woman almost killed me, and now she was back.

"Don't sound so scared." Ymir said softly. "Not yet anyway." She hissed.

"W-What do you want!?" I yelled.

"I heard theres a baby on the way..." Ymir said slyly.

"P-Please..." Tears streamed down my face. "Please don't hurt my family!!"

"No garuntees." She whispered before the line went dead.

I put my phone down with a shaky hand and put my hand over my mouth.

No, please no.

"Armin? Who was-" Eren said, approaching me. As soon as he saw my face he rushed to my side. "A-Are you okay!?"

"Shes back." I whispered. Suddenly the shaking stopped in my legs and they lost all feel, making them give way. Luckily Eren caught me.

"Who? Armin, tell me!" Eren looked terrified.

"Ymir." I mumbled under my breath, my eyes seemed permanetly held open in fear.

Out of all the bad things that had happened, this one scared me the most.


shhhorrttt heh .-.

btw there are gunna be 27 chapters in this book


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