Chapter 17

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I'll probably use that picture for next chapter too because I cant find a picture of Levi thats cuTE LIKE THAT WITHOUT IT BEING CHIBI

i hate levi hes a fucking penguin molestor *^*


I opened my eyes and stared at the ceiling drowsily. Turning my head I saw Eren sleeping soundly beside me, his hair falling into his closed eyes and a soft snore coming from his mouth. I smiled to myself and wrapped my arms around his waist, kissing his neck.

"Time to get up." I whispered.

Eren's arms wrapped around me and he groaned. "No." He mumbled.

"Yes." I chuckled.

"Five more minutes." He mumbled.

I rolled my eyes and after five minutes, knew he wasn't getting up. I pryed his arms away from his grip on me and got out of bed, letting my feet touch the cold tiles. It was getting close to Christmas. I walked down the hall and saw Levi's door was open. I checked my watch and saw it was 6am. Why would he be awake so early, and on a weekend?

He wasn't in his room so I walked downstairs and saw him pacing the lounge room back and forth, nibbling his nails and furrowing his eyebrows.

"Levi?" I asked. His attention shot towards me, sweat droplets were clinging to the side of his face. "Is something wrong?" I asked, approaching him.

Levi stood there for a few seconds, processing what to do and eventually pulled out his phone and showed me a text message.

'I want to see you in the winter, I'm coming down!' - Robert

"Who's Robert? What is this?" I asked.

Levi looked at me, frightened. He placed his phone down and began signing out. 'An online friend.'

"Online?" I asked.

He then showed me his online profile on some website. Twenty thousand followers.

"Woah." I said.

'He's an online friend and we've been talking for a while now. I know what he looks like, we've video chatted before.' Levi looked very nervous.

"How did you talk...?" I asked.

'I had a whiteboard.'


'Anyways, thats beside the point. I do want to see him but... Is it okay with you?' He looked into my eyes.

"Well... Um..." I stammered.

I wasn't actually that mad about the whole online thing at all. I thought I would be worried about stranger danger stuff but Levi seemed like a responsible teenager. Come to think of it, Levi has never invited a friend over and never wants to talk about school, maybe he is just lonely. He's not constantly going out to parties and always on the phone like Petra, and also seems to respect Eren and I alot more, so I wasn't seeing a real reason to deny.

"I say yes but I'm not sure about Eren." I said. His eyes lit up slightly.


"Of course Levi, this seems important to you. Where does he want to meet you?" I asked.

'The airport.'

"Well I could drop you off there on the day, I'd like to make sure I'm not dropping you off with a 40 year old man though so..."

'That's perfectly fine. I think I'd rather you be there for a while anyway.' He smiled.

"If you give me the find details and stuff I'll happily let you go, even if Eren says no." I smirked.

Levi jumped into my arms and hugged me tightly.

"No problem." I chuckled. "Now tell your friend and then get ready for school okay?"

'I honestly didn't think you would be this understanding.'

"Your lucky I am." I smiled.


"An online friend?" Eren asked, making a coffee for a customer while I cleaned the benches.

"Yeah, his name's Robert." I said. "They've apparently chatted and everything face to face. Levi is like... Online famous!" I said.

Eren chuckled, staring into the distance. "I was like Levi once..."

"How so?" I asked.

"I had an online profile, just like him. Had online friends, stuff like that. After a while though I quit it because it was kind of taking away my life... Not that quitting it made much of a difference." Eren sighed.

"What are you talking about? Are the kids and I not a life?" I placed my hands on my hips, smirking.

"No, no!" Eren waved his hands around. "I mean just, I didn't have much of a life after that... Until I met you of course." He grinned.

"Of course, without me you'd be dead." I smirked.

"Oh shutup."


short again ehhh



i wrote this at like 12am too pft

im up to writing chapter 22. im kinda annoyed with this story actually because it has nO STORYLINE WHATSOEVER

well i guess it gets a little one in chapter 20 but still ehhhh



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