Chapter 26

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I made some edits That's what Robert sorta looks like :3

BLACK HAIR GREEN EYES FRECKLES //cries bc its half like marco

see what i did there

im not sorry


Armin POV

As soon as we showed up at the old house I got out of the car and prepared myself for the worst. Ben and I walked up to the house and peeked through the window first but there was nothing there.

"Lets try the other windows first," Ben whispered. "To see if theres anything to be wary of."

I nodded in agreement and walked to the other side of the house and checked the windows there too. Once we got to the left side of the house, we had a look through the window there. There was my husband, with his hands tied behind his back and his feet chained to the floor against a wall.

And next to him was Ymir.

"What!?" I hissed.

"What's wrong? Well other than um..." Ben trailed off.

"Its just, thats Ymir. The girl I said was behind all this. It must not be her after all." I bit my lip. Who else could've-

"Nice of you to join us. Oh and look you've brought a friend!"

I whipped my head around to see none other than Krista.

"Krista?" I whimpered before she took a swift movement and knocked Ben and I out.


I awoke to the sound of whistling, echoing around the empty room. I opened my eyes and looked beside me to see Eren and Ymir while on the other side was Ben. Ymir hung her head as if in shame, while Eren was staring at the floor and Ben was staring straight ahead. I had a look where Ben was staring and saw Krista, whistling and walking around the room, setting up what seemed to be tools and weapons.

What is this some sort of dissection process?

"Oh, you're finally awake." Krista smiled.

I looked back down at Eren. "Eren?" I whispered.

His eyes met mine and he smiled weakly. "Hey..."

"It's not nice to talk individually when there are several people here you know." Krista pouted. "You're my guests! I want us to socialize together!"

"I don't understand, why would you come back? I thought you were in the mental institute." I growled.

"Oh yay! Storytime." Krista giggled, dragging an old wooden chair closer to us. She sat down and tapped her chin. "Let me see..."

"Well, in the mental institute it was quite boring, and everyone treated me as if I were a child. Eventually, I just got sick and tired of it so one day when a lady was walking in I quickly slipped out the door. I didn't want to resort to violence but when several people started chasing me I had no choice. I got out and was home free!

Then I bought a new phone and called Ymir, knowing her number off by heart. We discussed some things and I realised how angry I really was with you, Armin. Not only had you cheated, but your little boyfriend over there poked out my girlfriends eye and you guys got me sent to that awful, boring place.

Obviously I couldn't really do much because at this point I was already all over the news; I'd be surprised if you hadn't have seen that. So I went to stay with Ymir. After a while of clever planning we finally devised a strategy to get you guys. I let her do the dirty work, seeing as there was a chance I would've gotten caught if I did it.

Falling (SEQUEL TO 'THE SECRETS WITHIN')Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora