Chapter 24

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"So are you coming to the party?" Eren approached me from behind, as I was sitting on the couch. I had been ignoring him for a few days now, pissed with him beyond belief but I was also disappointed. Disappointed that my own husband didn't believe me, and the subject was something logical and believable too! If only he were smart enough to see it.

"We are not going to that party, Eren." I turned to face him.

"Why not?" Eren asked with innocently raised eyebrows, obviously trying to prove my craziness.

"You know exactly why." I scowled, and turned back around.

"Armin you just need to take a breath, okay? I'm going with or without you." Eren said, walking away.

"What!?" I turned around again. "Eren you can't go, it's a death trap!!" I screeched. But Ymir... What was with her?

He sighed and looked at me. "I'm mainly going for your sake. So I can prove our friends are alive and not... slaughtered as you think." Eren mumbled the last part.

I couldn't let Eren do this, but I was afraid if I persisted then he would call a mental institution for me, and I really didn't want that. The problem was that if I did let Eren do this... He would die, and I would feel responsible for letting him go.

"Well..." I stood up. "I-If you want to prove it, I want to come with you." I said, basically giving myself a death wish.

Eren smiled. "Well lets get ready then."


After getting dressed I told Eren I was going to the bathroom and locked the door. I got out a slip of paper and a pen.

'Eren and I have gone out. if we arent back in 24hours we may not be coming home at all. Please stay safe and know that we love you xxx'

I wiped away at my tears who had began falling. I couldn't think of a life without my children and husband, and thinking of leaving Levi and Petra to live life alone without us made my heart break. I was being selfish for going with Eren and putting both our lives in risk but... I had to.

I walked out of the bathroom and walked downstairs, placing the note on the coffee table, sighing.

"Armin?" Eren called from behind. I turned around and saw him walking towards me.

"Yeah?" I replied, trying to cover the note. If he saw it I would probably be sent away... Then Eren would go alone and die.

"Um... This might be weird but can I see your wrists?" He asked.

"Okay...?" I said, handing him both my wrists. Eren examined the scars briefly before letting out a breath.

"Sorry I just thought maybe you went in the bathroom to... do something like that." Eren sighed.

"Trying to find more reasons to yell at me, are you?" I mumbled and walked away.

"What? No, I just-"

"It's fine don't worry." I sighed and looked at him. My heart stopped as he noticed the note and picked it up.


He didn't say anything at first. He read the note slowly, over and over before looking up to meet my eye contact.

"I think you need to stay here." Eren said, scrunching up the paper.

"What?" Tears threatened my eyes.

"I booked you in for an appointment with a physciatrist this afternoon. I was thinking if you went to the party with me maybe you wouldn't need it but... It's just getting out of hand now." Eren looked at me painfully.

Falling (SEQUEL TO 'THE SECRETS WITHIN')Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant