Chapter 11

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Sad emotional meltdown stuff warning ha ha love you .-.


"Eren..." I whispered, shaking Eren slightly. He groaned and rolled over but that wasnt too smart because he was on the couch and fell off. I chuckled while he wailed.

"Dont laugh at meee." He whined as he got back on the couch and pouted.

"Cmon we have work." I said.

"Cant we just skip it?" He sighed.

"No Eren, we havent gone in weeks its not fair to everyone else."

Eren pulled me onto the couch next to him and pulled me close to him. I buried my head in the crook of his neck and he kissed my head lightly. "Do we have to?" He said. I mumbled a 'no', not wanting to leave my position.

"Dad!!" Petra's voice from behind us said. Eren and I both turned around to face her. "Something's wrong with Luka."

We both got up and followed her up to Levi's room where Luka was lying on the floor. She seemed miserable, and Luke was nuzzling her but she showed no emotion. She looked at me and whimpered slightly.

"Ill call the vet." I said.


"Pregnant?!" Eren yelled.

"Yes, your dog is pregnant." The vet smiled. I looked down at Luke, who gave me a confused look and I laughed.

"What have you guys been doing?" I asked Luke. He whimpered slightly and cocked his head, making me laugh.

"Everything is fine, Luka is happy and healthy, she will be acting a little weirdly for a while though because of the pregnancy. If anything happens or if anything seems suspicious just contact us." The vet smiled.

"So we are going to have puppies!?" Petra squealed when we got in the car.

"This is gunna be awesome!!" Levi grinned.

"Well... I dont think we can keep the puppies." I said.

"Why!?" The kids yelled simultaneously.

"We dont have the money to keep them, and having a bunch of dogs is alot of hard work." Eren replied.

"Its okay, Im sure our friends might want them." I said. "The puppies will be in safe hands."

"Well I guess thats okay then..." Levi said.

"Awwww..." Petra mumbled.


"Hey dad, do we have anymore bandages?" Levi approached me. His arm was wrapped in blood soaked bandages.

I dropped the dish I was washing and immediately rushed up to him. "Oh my god what happened!?" I yelled.

"Nothing!! Its just food colouring." Levi chuckled. "Petra and I are playing a game."

"Oh." I sighed. "Um... I dont think so, that looks like alot of bandages." I chuckled.

"Thats okay." Levi smiled weakly and walked away. I couldnt help but feel concerned. I turned back to the sink but heard a thump from behind me. I turned around and saw Levi, sprawled all over the floor.

"L-Levi!!" I yelled, running to him. Petra ran downstairs.

"Dammit!" She hissed, running up next to me.

"E-Eren!!" I called, trying to help Levi up. He was limp and I noticed this so called 'red food colouring' had started dripping out of the bandages. I ripped away the bandages and revealed my worst nightmare.

4 deep cuts.

I dropped his body. "N-No." I whispered.

"Armin?" Eren came rushing up. "Lev- Oh no..." He gasped.

"N-No!" I yelled. I backed away from Levi.

"Armin its-"

"NO!!" I screeched, tears pouring down my face.

I cant.


I started yelling no over and over again, clutching my head. I felt a wave of nausea rush over me and I fell on my knees, throwing up everywhere. Searing pain sliced through my stomach and I cried in agony. Eren was yelling at me, but I couldnt hear. Everything was spinning and blurry, making me feel even worse.

I had influenced not only Marco, but now my own son to cut.


Eren POV

"NO!" Armin yelled, falling to his knees and throwing up. He began wailing at the top of his lungs, crying and shaking. I quickly called an ambulance and told Petra to keep an eye on Levi while I went to calm down Armin.

"Armin?!" I grabbed his shoulder, trying to get his attention but it was almost as if I didnt exist. I hugged him but he just kept screaming.

The paramedics kicked down the door and immediately went over to Armin.

"Sir-" They tried to help him but he kept screaming. Something inside him mustve completely snapped. After a few more minutes of them trying to calm him down, he stopped the screaming but his eyes were still widened in fear a shock.

The paramedics told me to help him into the van. They had already gotten Levi in there and had stopped most of his bleeding.

"It's going to be fine." I said softly, taking Armin by the hand. I walked him out of the house slowly and carefully. He kept his wide eyes glued to the ground and was furiously gnawing his fingers. We all got in the van and drove to the hospital. I sat next to Armin who was still wide eyed, probably in shock, and Levi was fine.

We got into the hospital and the doctors did some checkups for Levi. He was fine, just lost alot of blood. They would give him a blood transfusion and he would be fine to leave the next day. Petra and I waited paitently while the doctors also tried to help Armin, who they had taken into a seperate room.

"Im starting to really hate the hospital." Petra said softly.

I wrapped my arms around her. "Everything will be fine. Its okay." I hushed.

"But what if its not?" She asked. I stiffened slightly.

"I-It is." I replied.

"Why do bad things always happen to us? What did we do?" Petra asked sadly.

"I dont know." I sighed. "I just dont know..."



IM UP TO WRITING CHAPTER 19 so when i get up to actually publishing it you may have to start waiting several days for an update because i need to actually write the chapter...



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