Chapter 19

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Levi POV

I woke up from my sleep and opened my eyes a little to see a bright blue pair staring right back at me. My eyes widened in shock and I saw it was Armin, who started chuckling. I looked at Robert who was fast asleep; he must be a deep sleeper. I slowly got off him and fortunately he didn't wake up. I grabbed Armin by the ear and dragged him outside while he laughed.

'WHY WERE YOU WATCHING ME?' I signed, in a playful angry way.

"You two were so cute." Armin chuckled. "So what happened last night?" He asked like some teenage girl trying to get the latest gossip.

I went red and looked away. 'Nothing.'

"ARE YOU GUYS TOGETHER YET!?" He hissed excitedly.

I became flustered and placed a finger on my lips to basically say 'SHUT UP'.

"Oh my god you are." Armin gasped excitedly.

I nodded slowly, blushing madly.

"Oh my god I'm so proud of you!!" He gave me a hug which I returned with a roll of my eyes. He was such an idiot. "I'm kind of surprised though, I can kinda imagine you as a bad boy that scores all the chicks." He laughed.

Now that I thought about it I could actually imagine that too.

"Just don't do anything too quickly." He winked at me.

'Changing the topic, is Petra okay?' I was bright red.

Armin's expression softened and he looked away, as if in pain. "She's fine." He lied.

'Tell me.' I looked firmly into his eyes.

He looked at me and sighed, crossing his arms. "Petra... Is pregnant."

My facial expression went straight to some sort of angry surprise. 'What!?' I just threw my hands up.

"Turns out her boyfriend got a very nice birthday present from Petra." Armin mumbled. "Obviously Eren and I are outraged with her but what's done is done." He sighed.

'Well what's going to happen now!?'

"Well it's too late to get rid of it. She's two whole months pregnant!!" He raised his voice, obviously pissed beyond belief.

I held up two fingers with my mouth hung wide open and Armin nodded.

'Shit.' I mouthed.

"You're telling me." Armin huffed. "Luckily her boyfriend, who mind you broke up with her two weeks ago, has agreed to help with the baby for a while so I guess that helps..."

I nodded. Looking behind Armin I noticed Robert had woken up and was rubbing his eyes at the back doorway. Armin turned around and noticed him too.

"Hey." He smiled.

"Man you guys wake up early." Robert chuckled, walking up to me. "Are you sure you don't mind me staying here?" Robert asked Armin as he wrapped his arm around my neck causing me to blush.

"No not at all! Stay as long as you like." Armin gushed. "Might as well replace my daughter." He mumbled. "Anyway, do you like pancakes?" He asked Robert.

"Sure." Robert grinned.

"Ice cream?"

"Well who doesn't like ice cream?" He chuckled.

"Good point." Armin laughed. "I'll make breakfast then and wake up Eren." He walked off leaving Robert and I alone.

"Did you... tell him?" Robert asked me.

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