Chapter 15

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I woke up to the sound of crashing downstairs.

Oh god, what if we were getting broken into? Or the kids had fallen or-

I shut down my thoughts and rushed downstairs to see Eren smashing on some pots and pans.

"Eren are you drunk again!?" I yelled over the noise.

He dropped the pans on the floor and clapped his hands together. "Nope!"

The kids came rushing downstairs. "Whats happening!?" Petra exclaimed.

"We are all making a new start!" Eren grinned.

"What?" Petra and I asked.

"I have a theory that maybe we arent really that happy, so we should all start over and cheer up!" Eren said cheerily, I almost cracked a smile.

"How exactly would we do that?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"I dont know... FAMILY MEETING!!" Eren yelled, getting ontop of the table.

"Can I go back to sleep now?" Petra yawned, Levi nodded agreeingly.

"NO!!" Eren yelled. "We have to figure out a way to be happy. Is there anyone we know that can help us with this?"

We were in silence for a while.

"Armin." Eren said, my eyes shot to meet his. "When was the last time you spoke to your aunty?"


"FFFFFFFUUUUUDGE!" I yelled, trying not to swear infront of the kids. "Oh my god I havent talked to her for years!! Oh my god, oh my god!!" I paced back and forth.

"Calm down." Eren chuckled.

"Who?" Petra asked.


We arrived at Jenny's house and I frantically knocked on her door. I cant believe I hadnt talked to her for so long, what kind of a nephew was I!?

Jen, looking a bit older then when I last saw her, opened the door and stared at us all for a few seconds, then her eyes widened in realisation.

Before she could say anything I jumped into her arms. "I AM SO SO SO SO SO-"

"Its okay, its okay!!" Jenny laughed, hugging me back.


"Calm down!!" She shook me by the shoulders. "We can catch up now okay? Im sure you had your reasons." She smiled, then looked at Eren and the children. "Hello Eren. Who are these little angels?" She gushed, looking at the children.

"Did you tell her..." Eren looked at me.

"Uhm..." I rubbed the back of my neck.

"Tell me what?" Jenny asked.

"Lets uh... go inside." I said. Jenny looked at me with a confused expression and led everyone inside to the lounge room.

I explained to her everything that had happened. Including the depression, everything.

"You... But..." She was very shocked at the fact that I was gay.

I looked down. Eren held the kids closer to him.

"Thats... great, honey." Jenny smiled weakly at me.

"I-Im sorry I didnt tell you..." I sighed.

"Its fine, its fine." Jenny said, not really paying attention. She seemed to be in her own little world.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"I-Im just... A little... shocked." She chuckled lightly.

"Is it okay...?" I asked.

"Well... theres not much we can do now." Jenny smiled.

My face faltered a bit. "You dont accept it?"

She hesitated slightly. "I do..."

"You dont, do you?" I asked, getting slightly annoyed.

"I just said I do!" Jenny replied.

"Why am I finding it hard to believe you?" I looked at her, feeling hurt by the tone in her voice. She was obviously lying.

"Armin, she said it was fine." Eren rubbed my hand, but by looking in his eyes I could tell he was doubting her too.

"I dont think it was a good idea to come here..." I mumbled and stood up.

"Armin wait!" Jenny said.

"Thanks for... yeah..." Eren sighed, taking the kids outside.

I began walking out after him but Jenny grabbed my shirt. "Armin please."

"What?" I asked, feeling tears sting my eyes. I wouldve thought that Jenny out of all people wouldve understood, but she was just as against homosexuals as everyone else in this godammed world.

"I didnt mean it as in I didnt accept your descision."

"Then what did you mean?" I shot.

"Ill be completely honest; I was always against this same sex marriage thing... but now that I see you and Eren living happily together with the children, Im not seeing anything wrong with it anymore. It was just a shock and a change of opinion Armin, thats why I hesitated. I truly do accept you guys together. I actually think you guys are perfect." Jenny explained, looking into my eyes guiltily and giving me a slight smile.

I looked at her back, debating whether I should believe her or not, but finally decided to give in. I gave her a hug. "Sorry for not beliving you... And for not talking to you for so long." I sighed.

"Dont be sorry." She smiled.

"I really do have to go though, I think my stomachs going to explode again." I said jokingly, my breaths getting slightly shorter.

"Of course. Get better okay? Best wishes to you and your family, just... call me sometime okay?"

"Of course." I smiled.



sorry for posting late


Falling (SEQUEL TO 'THE SECRETS WITHIN')Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum