Chapter 23

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I arrived at Jean and Marco's house early the next morning. When I got up, Eren would only give me pitiful eye contact which pissed me off beyond belief. He was treating me like some sort of retarded mental paitent and it just made me want to slap him for thinking like that; especially about his own husband, so I felt like I just had to get out before I really did slap him.

Jean and Marco's house was blocked off by police tape that was old and discoloured. It made me nautious. I was trying with all my might to stay strong, but I couldn't garuntee that I would. I looked around to make sure noone was watching and broke the tape with ease, walking to the front porch. The floorboards creaked underneath me, it had only been around 7 years yet the house was already in a terrible condition for its age.

All the wood was covered in termites, windows were smashed and the walls were graffitied on; it was a sad sight for my friend's house. Then it really started to hit me that my ex best friends were dead. I guess my mind was in slight denial before but now the realisation had hit me like a ton of bricks;

And it hurt.

Half of me was hoping that the door would swing open, and Jean and Marco would greet me with a hug. We would sit down and have a conversation just like old times. But it didn't happen. They were gone. My brain just didn't seem to believe it. I tried to keep my thoughts and emotions stable. 'You're here to find clues not to cry.'

Iwalked up to the front foor and pushed it slightly, surprised that it was open. The police certainly did a good job in this investigation didn't they?

Note the sarcasm.

I walked in and was disgusted by the sight infront of me. Debris were scattered all over the floor along with mice and smashed glass.

"How does this even happen in such a short amount of time?" I mumbled to myself quizzically. And what was attracting the mice? If the murder was done here they would've taken away the bodies right?

I walked further into the house. The mouldy food in the kitchen and the foul stench coming from it was definetly the source of the attraction for the mice; it made me want to throw up.

The house was dark and eerie, and was completely spooking me out. I was kind of wishing Eren was here to hold me and tell me it was going to be okay but the truth is he wasn't coming. He just thought I was crazy. I bit my lip angrily and continued searching the house. The bedroom was locked, giving me suspicions.

After searching the house some more and finding nothing, I decided to go to the side of the house to see the bedroom window. It was covered in police tape. I felt bad, but ripped it away to find a perfectly fine window. It wasn't smashed like the others.

I picked up a nearby rock and threw it as hard as I could at the window. Unfortunately the rock was quite small and didnt smash the window enough for me to get in. Finding no more rocks around the area, I wrapped my hand in the police tape and decided to punch the window. I obviously knew the tape was going to do nothing but I was hoping it would help at least the smallest bit.

I pulled my hand back and with full force punched the glass. It broke most of the glass and most of my hand. I pushed out the remaining glass in the window before taking the small piece out of my own skin which hurt a lot. The crimson liquid dripped down my hands as I wrapped with the bottom of my shirt. I slipped through the large bedroom window and landed with on crunch on broken glass.

I looked around the room and sniffed slightly, smelling the familar smell of blood; and it wasn't mine. The room was full of tools used for murder.

Seriously, the police that did this are ridiculous. Who doesn't take away the evidence?!

I examined a few tools; knives, chains, whips; all stained with blood and rust. I placed a hand over my mouth and tried not to throw up.

These weapons were used to kill your friends.

I shook my head and tried with all my might not to snap. The whole situation was getting harder to deal with by the second, especially when the corner of the rood was splattered with blood stains and nail holes were in the walls where chains must've been. I took a deep breath and got out of the room before I collapsed, my head started to get dizzy, and I wasn't feeling well.

While walking away I noticed someone was standing by my car. Their back was leaning against it, and they weren't facing me.

"E-Excuse me?" I stuttered as I approached my car.

"You need to stop okay?!" The stranger yelled.

They turned around and I saw her face.

I began hyperventilating and backing away, but she ran up to me and grabbed me by the shoulders.


"Listen Armin, this situation is not what you think it is. You need to stop getting involved." Ymir yelled, her uncovered eye constricting while her other was covered by an eyepatch.

I stood there staring at her with fright, what was she talking about? Why wasn't she trying to kill me? Why did she look... scared?

"Just beware okay, don't play with old memories." She said, backing away and running off.


"Armin!!" Eren yelled, looking at my hand with horror. "What did I tell you about-"

"I didn't do this, I just smashed a window." I sighed, getting out the first aid kit.

"WHAT?!" Eren screeched. "YOU BROKE A WINDOW?! WHO'S WINDOW?!"

"Calm down!!" I hissed. "I went to Jean and Marco's house today."


I grumbled in frustration.

"Look, I went to their house to investigate their murder. And yes, they are dead; because the house is closed off by police tape and is practically derelict! I had to smash a window to get in."

"Armin." Eren put a hand on my shoulder. "Are you okay?"

"Do you still think I'm fucking crazy?!" I yelled, pulling my shoulder away from him.


"Don't even answer that." I shook my head angrily and turned around.

"Armin, I just-"

"Fuck off." I hissed and walked away.



get distracted easily.

sorry if the paragraphs are too long I wrote this on the computer so yea and idk but on the computer the picture looks like SHIT so idk what it will look like on devices XD

im writing another chapter right now


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