Chapter 4

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Erens POV

I blinked at the ceiling. Its not like I had just woken up, I had been awake for at least an hour now, just staring and thinking; occasionally glancing at Armin to see if he had woken. It was weird. Usually I was late to wake up, but I was early this morning. I sighed and finally decided to get up. After all, what was lying on a bed going to do anyway?

I got up, put on a shirt and walked into the lounge room. I kinda stood there and looked around, smiling to myself. It was so amazing that Armin and I had a life together. I remember first meeting him as if it were yesterday.

I ran into the cafe and headed straight for the counter. I needed to find Connie immediately, I was stressed out so badly and needed support and although Connie wasn't the best person for that, he was one of my only friends.

"Hello, can I help you?" A voice snapped me out of my thoughts. I looked at the man infront of me and I was taken aback. He had long blonde hair tied into a messy ponytail, glasses and bright blue eyes that shined like sapphires. I almost forgot how to speak for a second there.

"No you can't help me, I came here for no apparent reason." I laughed, breathing heavily from running. I was trying to act cool but it really wasn't working and was actually embarrasing. He chuckled though, and I almost smiled.

I rambled on and then realised I probably sounded so weird and rude. I slapped myself to try and straighten out my head but that just made the guy flinch.

Nice going, Eren, freak the kid out.

I told him to ask me if I wanted anything again and he asked again warily, trying to feel pity for me. I decided although I didn't even like coffee, I would order one anyway... Just as an excuse to give this guy my name. It bugged me though because I was trying to get over my attraction to guys yet I still let it happen.

I sighed happily outloud. I liked Armin from the start, and I was really glad it got to be like this.

"Ren Ren." A voice from behind me said softly. I turned around to see Levi.

"Hey, what are you doing up so early?" I asked, looking at my watch.


"Its not that early..." Levi trailed off. "I just can't sleep." He looked down. I instantly went up to him and gave him a hug.

"Whats wrong buddy?" I asked, pulling him over to the couch. He sat in my lap and snuggled into my chest.

"I miss Luka." Levi sniffed.

"Its okay, we will get her back." I assured him.

"But they said they were going to put her down..." He croaked, crying a bit.

I rubbed his back and held him closer. "Hey, its alright. We won't let them hurt her."

"More like Minny wont..." Levi said, hardly audible.

"What?" I asked.

"Hes been a bit fiesty lately... Are you guys fighting?" Levi looked up at me.

"W-What? Where did you get an idea like that?"

"You guys were fighting yesterday..."

"Well..." I rubbed the back of my neck. "It wasn't really a fight... Don't worry Levi, Armin and I are fine." I smiled.

"But Minny has been acting weird." Levi looked at me.

"How so?" I asked.

"He yelled yesterday. Minny never yells. And he was sick and was sad and weird. He wasn't himself." Levi pointed out. Now that I thought about it it was true. Armin had been acting a little off.

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