Chapter Thirty-Eight

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"Has we woken yet?"

"No, Aegis has been irate since his tranquilizer wore off. Zen and a few other males took him to the edge of the territory, but he can still smell him."

"I've never seen the Alpha react like this, I'm surprised, the Omega isn't very healthy, and that brand.."

Conversations pulled me from my sleep but I felt itchy and needy. My mind was hazy as I struggled to wake up, my wolf whining in pain.

Everything hurt. My lower body throbbed with a deep-seated ache that begged to be dealt with.

Where was our male?

"Lim!" A hushed voice called out urgently.  "Go tell Aegis, the Omega has woken up!" There was a small sound of relief in the voice that spoke and suddenly my eyes snapped open.

The female who had ordered the gun to fire knelt at my side. The events from before I fell into a sleep came back to me. My wolf immediately tried to make himself known but the heat was too much to handle.

"Shush, we won't give you anything you don't want. Aegis is being informed of your waking." The female spoke gently to me, a hand dabbing sweat away as I panted with need.

I barely registered her words, but they sounded silly. I didn't want to be here yet here I lay. I didn't want this she-wolf near me but she was still here. I wanted that male to come back and quench this unyielding thirst.

Yet here I was, being held captive to another pack.

A growled at the wolf and attempted to snap my fangs at her. Immediately she backed away.

"I'm just here to aid. Aegis is concerned for you, he wants you to stay until your heat has subsided, and then we will help you go wherever you need to."

Words were too pretty and I didn't want to hear them. I closed my eyes as another wave of heat coursed through me. It was becoming unbearable.

My wolf felt exposed. We were in a cave on top of furs, it felt better than the packhouse but more exposed to dangers. I felt myself shift, my wolf wanted to be better protected, it was difficult, the heat couldn't be quenched while in my fur but we were better able to fight this way.

I looked to the female who seemed concerned but I didn't care. Her concern was misplaced. I didn't want her near me. I didn't want to be surrounded by this pack who only took me in to use me. I wasn't dumb. I've realized I was being used. I realized I was a pawn.

I stood on shaky legs and tried to move but found myself doubling over. I was panting and felt the need to relieve myself grow stronger, but I had no one to help me.

"Just sniff these herbs, they will help decrease the effects of your heat." I watched as she pushed a bundle of leaves towards me. "They will not harm you, and they will not force you into sleep. It's just to take the edge off so you can move." I snarled and tried to swipe the grounded up herbs away from me but I couldn't move. I felt paralyzed. My wolf was raging.

"If you use them, Aegis might be able to come."

That name again, who was Aegis?

I growled at her and when another intense wave coiled in my stomach, finally I conceded. Pride and pain, this discomfort wasn't worth the effort. Moving my head up I placed my snot as close to the small pile as I could and breathed in deeply.

I couldn't place the smells, but I felt a fuzzy feeling work its way into my body. The herbs were almost addictive as I continued to inhale. The effects were almost instant.

The coiling heat edged off into a dull ache. The need to relieve myself was now just a thought away. I still felt a thirst, but it was manageable.

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