Chapter 1

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It was a nice morning. Birds were singing on their branches, the smell of pine tree filled the air, and the morning sun welcomed anyone into the light. I just tossed my bed sheets off of me and walked over to my dresser. I was wearing night shorts, don't worry. I pulled open a drawer that had jeans in it and took the faded ones. Shutting the drawer, I grabbed a deep blue shirt from the hardwood floor and threw that on. I looked into the mirror on my dresser, and I didn't really like what I saw. I grabbed my glasses and put those on, trying to cover the discoloring of my eyes.

Me: Great. Ever since that day, my eyes have been acting up. This time, left blue, right gray.

It always happened to me. My eye color would always change during the night. Not much, but there was a change. Just a few nights beforehand, I had both eyes gray.

Me: Welp, no time for changing it. Not that I can. Especially after what happened those weeks ago.

Long story short, I ran into a tree. Well, full story. I was goofing around with my friends in the woods, and one of them suggested we played tag. Of course, the rest of us (I think three) agreed to it. Running along, jumping over loose branches, when I tripped over a root and slammed face first into the tree.

Me: I miss the old colors. Deep blue. Well... thankfully that's over. I think I look cool with it. Even though others don't seem to.

I threw the shorts onto my bed and basically jumped into the jeans.

Me: Should I wear the mask?

I looked over at the other end of my dresser. There sat the mask of a true hero. That camo mask. It belonged to my father, who helped us get where we are now. Sadly, we can't find him. He left a few years back, and we've just given up finding him. It was the only thing I had left of him.

Me: Nah. I don't need it. Not yet, anyways. CJ might.

There was a knock on the door.

CJ: Big brother?

Me: What is it, CJ?

CJ: Taylor and Daniel are here. They want to see you.

Me: Tell them to give me a minute. I'm getting ready.

CJ: But, it's important.

Me: What's more important than getting dressed?

CJ: Something they want to share with you.

Me: I'm not sharing my house with my friends.

CJ: Well... just come out here when you're done.

Me: Alright. I'll be a minute.

I decided to grab the mask from my dresser and place that over my muzzle. Fit like a glove. I looked back at the mirror.

Me: Not too shabby. Now, I have to greet my friends. How do I do this without looking like a burden? Meh. I'll tell them I have the mask on.

I pushed open my door and walked out into the living room. Not a big place, but not bad. Only what I could afford after about 3 years of just barely over minimum wage. It had a television, hardwood floors, and a couch, which I slept on most of the time. I walked over to CJ's bedroom door and knocked on it.

Me: Hey, little man. You almost ready?

CJ: Almost. Getting dressed.

Me: I thought you'd be dressed by now.

CJ: Well, I knocked on your door in my pajama bottoms, and I didn't want to open the door.

Me: CJ. You're the best little brother anyone could have.

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