I: The night it began

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'Twas early evening, sun is setting over the forest, and the sunlight was no longer reflecting on the Ocean, there was a soft breeze whistling through the trees, Cicadas buzzing, Owls hooting, but mostly quiet, so I began watching movies in HD, on my sixty inch plasma, and it slowly got later and later.

When suddenly, the screen went foggy, then a rainbow and an old guy on a throne.
It was dinner time at home when I received an Iris message from the big guy, Zeus himself, he caught me in the middle of a movie. So I hit pause and dropped the remote.

"Evening Bob, I'd like to invite you to Olympus Personally, we're having a shindig, celebrating all our demigod children and you're invited" Boomed Zeus explaining the reason for the call.

"Okay uncle, I'll get ready" I said being a little intrigued.

"I'll have Hermes pick you up, HERMES GET BOB FOR THE CELEBRATIONS" Zeus screamed at my cousin.
"Wait uncle, I'll fly on my own" but Zeus was already talking to someone else.

"Don't hang up yet brother" said a familiar voice on the other end, "Hello son, I guess your uncle has told you, so I'll see you when you get here then" Poseidon explained.

"Hey dad, tell Zeus I'll fly up on my own, doesn't he know I can shift into any animal?" I smiled and I put on my armored celestial bronze boots, when tapped together become full armour, wore my blue denim jeans, and black leather coat, black beanie, and shades, I pocketed a few drachmas from my stash, in my fish tanks treasure chest.

Dad had returned to his usual, I think he has a globe at his throne where he keeps an eye on his entire domain, lands and oceans.

I was finally ready, I stood atop my house, and morphed into an albatross, don't ask why I chose albatross, I guess because of it's wing span, anyway I soared over to the Empire State Building, landed on the roof and climbed down the roof access and blended in with the crowd, when the guy at the counter next to the elevator said "drachma please", I flicked a golden drachma into his hand, and kept walking.

Inside was a seemingly shy girl unbeknownst to me of her real identity, "Hi" said the girl, blushing bright red, I replied with "Evening, so may I ask your name?".

"You can call me Ree" said the girl, She had dark black hair, and an amazing smile. Ree and I walked the Quartz path up to Olympus.
"So what's your name?" Asked Ree, "Forgive me, where are my manners, Bob, pleased to make your acquaintance" I answered, thinking to myself, Stupid stupid stupid, play it cool, you loser.

"Pleasures all mine, be my escort tonight?" Ree smirked, and she put her arm through mine, "Well, if you say so" I said, and Ree leaned on my shoulder, striding next to me up the stone Quartz staircase.

We reached the palace of the gods when we were greeted by Poseidon, "Ah, my son joins us, Saviour of Olympus" and turns to Ree, "Haven't I met you before?" Poseidon asked Ree, when Ree pulled Poseidon off to the side out of range to where I couldn't hear her whisper, Ree told Poseidon something I couldn't hear, and twacked him across the head.

I couldn't hear them from here, and thought to myself, 'Why are you hitting a god' I put my forehead in my palm.

But I coughed back a sigh, to hide and dismiss my thoughts, then Dad and Ree returned. Poseidon lead Ree and I into the Dining Hall, when Zeus summoned me to his throne by gesturing to me to come over there, and I obliged walking with Ree on my arm.

"Bob thank you for ridding us of typhon" Zeus acknowledged, "If there's anything old Uncle Zeus can do, don't hesitate to let me know".

"Will do and Thank you uncle, thank dad I have HydroKinesis and the river Lethe helped just as much, if that is all I'd like to take my seat" and I lead Ree back to a semi empty table.

Zeus smiled, "Great kid you have there brother".

"It really depends on their mother and how they were raised" Poseidon replied.

"I see this one was a good mother to Bob" Zeus raised an eyebrow at Poseidon.

"Until I lost her, then he began living with me, I trained him myself, on the Island of Crete" Poseidon said at Zeus's side.

"Yes, I think they are splendid mothers, to our children" Zeus said, and suddenly the room went quiet.

A young looking girl with a silver cloak and bow on her back was followed in by more girls, "Artemis and her Huntresses" Ree explained, "legendary maidens of the hunt, each one blessed by Artemis herself"

"Well I need some fresh air, care to join me for a walk" I asked, she obliged.

"I would love to" she said, we stood and walked toward the door.

Suddenly I caught the eye of a huntress, and she winked at me. I figured, that's one of her tactics to lure prey, use charm and beauty to attract guys, then suddenly lure you in and Do what she will with you, whether it be kill you or judge you, even so she stared at me with her dark eyes, intimidating anyone, with her gaze making you think you're trapped so surrender now, I let it slip from my mind. Everyone knows they barely commune with guys. Something about my brother Orion apparently he is also a son of Poseidon.
Outside we found a guy watching the sunset over the clouds, orange and purple and an epic sight to behold, cool calming breeze picked up, "Beautiful, isn't it?" Ree asked, but before I could answer, "Thank you" said the guy with blonde hair that blew in the wind. "That boy better not wreck my chariot" he said.

"Your chariot?, wait you're Apollo" I asked in disbelief, "The guy with the golden chariot, pulls the sun across the sky".

"That's me kiddo, and you know something else?" Apollo said, "What" I replied, oblivious to the fact it wasn't just Poseidon's blood line I am from.

"You're my Great Great Great Grandson" Apollo explained, I was so not believing him, "Ever wondered why your dreams actually happen? Because you're my legacy, and you have my gift of foresight" Apollo explained, in shock I was checking to see if I was awake and had just heard right, "Lord Apollo, ah Great Great Great Grandfather, Are you sure?, I mean, it could be a mistake?" I asked

Apollo handed me a bow, so I took it. The bow was so light and extremely sturdy in my hands. Apollo looked at how I held the bow, "normal fold aim with their index finger, but your aim is naturally accurate". Apollo flew in to the air "Aim between my eyes, I'll catch it, don't worry" said the god.

I drew back on the bow and took aim, at my Great Great Great Grandfather, "Release" Apollo commanded.

And I let the arrow fly, just as promised he caught the arrow, "No mistake, you're my legacy, no one but Artemis hunters and my descendants have that kind of Precision and accuracy, although Ares thinks his aim is better. Keep this bow, train with it, but be very wary, Liakáda is a special bow, the more you use her the more destructive she will become, eventually she will be a nuclear weapon, master it, make it yours, and make me proud, Now flick the handle!"

I done as Apollo said and it turned into a dagger, a celestial bronze dagger, "There easy storage, now the Quiver has it's own magic, it's a Quiver, speak your bow's name and it becomes a box of colouring pencils, that never need sharpening, say it again to reverse the effect, arrows form inside the quiver, during the day they are limitless, but it takes longer to form an arrow at night".

"Thank you Lord Apollo" I said, "Don't mention it kid, just make me proud, one more thing", he hands me a box, "You're my legacy you will know what to do with this", He made me hold my eyes shut, I pulled my hand down and he was gone.

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