Part 2

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We are on our way to the airport in the nice new minibus when suddenly I feel a gentle tap on my shoulder. I turn my gaze from looking out the window to see Jungkook. 'Hey, something wrong?' I say looking at his slightly concerned face. His jaw was tended and his eyebrows pulling slightly down.

''I don't think Jimin is doing well.''
''Why what's happened?''
''He gets travel sick.''
''Oh ok let me check on him.''

I stand up and move myself up to the back of the bus, pushing my bag to the side to climb over and get to where Jimin is.
''Hey. You don't look like you're doing to good'' I speak softly.
He shakes his head and his pale face gets worse as I place the back of my hand on his forehead. The sweat slowly drips down from his hairline. Without hesitation I open the window by him, give him a sick bag from my medical kit and begin to fan him.
''It's ok just relax and take slow deep breaths.'' I try and comfort him with.

I grab an anti-nausea tablet and place it in his hand. ''Take this'' I say and he immediately complies. His temperature seems to still be rising. ''Namjoon can you pass me that water bottle?'' I ask turning to him. Im still a little nervous around him from before but now isn't the time for me to me a scaredy-cat. ''Sure'' he replies, handing it to me. He also helps out by taking over the job of fanning Jimin. I mouth a 'thank you' as I turn my attention back to Jimin.

''Hey Jimin, I'm going to take your jumper off you. Is that ok?''
He weakly nods and I gently pull his jumper over his head. ''How long left?'' I ask the driver softly. ''Just 2 minutes'' he says as I sigh in relief but that breath gets caught in my throat when a pair of strong arms pull me down. Is Jimin hugging me? What the hell is going on? And why am I now sat on his lap?

''He gets clingy when he is ill'' Taehyung comments from his seat. ''Oh, ok'' I try and seem like I'm not having a heart attack but I totally am. No don't breath on my neck Jimin! That's isn't helping. He rests his face on my shoulder like I'm some teddy bear for him to cuddle and nestles his nose into my neck. God this is awkward. They are all looking at me as I smile sheepishly.

Thank god the bus parks up quickly and Jimin's condition started to improve. So much so that he was almost back to normal as we stood up. However that wasn't going to stop him from clinging to me for balance when we started walking out the bus. ''Come on Jimin, you're going to suffocate her'' Yoongi pokes, pulling him off me. I mean I was enjoying it but now isn't cuddle time. I have to get my case from the back.

We all quickly got our stuff, battled the crowd and made it to the vip section where the boys could have some quiet. I sit down on one of the cozy sofas and enjoy the comfy leather. This is nice. I could get used to this part of my job easily. But why are 7 pairs of eyes looking at me?

''Can I help you?'' I ask in confusion with an eyebrow raised.

Jungkook: ''you say it bro''
Taehyung: ''no she looks scary''
Hossok: ''Jin is the oldest, he should do it''.
Jin: ''what! You're kidding me right! I'm more immature then all of you!Yoongi should do it!''
Me: ''what is going on?''
I ask as the whispers turn to shouts.

Jimin: ''Fine, I'll do it.*turns to me and pushes his hair out of his eyes*
Y/N I know it's not part of your job but we were wondering if you could buy us some stuff from duty free so we don't get caught up in the crowds.''

I stand up laughing at their fear to ask me for a simple favour. I take the list of things they wanted from Jimin's hand and the money for the items that was bundled in his hand. ''Of course I can don't worry about it.'' I say about to leave.

Jimin: ''Wait! By the way thank you for looking after me in the journey.''
He kisses my cheek swiftly and runs away slightly embarrassed. Quick Y/N leave before you fall for his charms. Do it now! Run!.

I scan the list as I enter a shop. Just by seeing the items you could tell who wanted what. Banana milk for Jungkook, headphones for Namjoon (after loosing his 30 somethingth pair of AirPods) etc, etc. Although I did find it funny how many snacks they all wanted. I guess with all the travelling you tend to miss the food from home.

I return after a few minutes and give them their stuff, their faces lighting up like children opening presents. We board the plane without much hassle and I enjoy settling into my first class seat. I have never been in such a fancy section of a planner before and I gotta say, it feels nice. Big hit's other workers are usually in a lower class but since I have to keep an eye on them, they let me sit with them. I have an isle seat in between Taehyung, who is buy the window, and Namjoon, who is directly next to me. The flight consisted of putting up with the snores from the guys and watching as many kdramas as I possibly could. That was until we landed...

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