Part 19

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//Hi readers I just wanted your opinion on who I should couple Y/N up with in the end. Please vote who in the comments whether it's one or multiple or none, just spice it up a little//

All the stuff has been packed and is now in the cars. 'Ready? Jin asks me as we gather in the lobby for our final checks. 'I think so' I reply starting to get excited for the vacation. At first I did feel bad that I was going to be in the way of their relaxation on the trip but they assured me that I wouldn't and that Bang Pd was making me go anyway.

We were about to get in the car so I quickly check on Jimin. 'Hey did you take those travel sickness pills I gave you?' 'Yes don't worry about me Y/N. It's a break for you as well remember that.' He smiles brightly then ruffles my hair as I show my displeased face. 'Cute' he whispers under his breath. I shoot him a glare to which he laughs at and makes his way in the car.

I join the other guys sat down and Jungkook looks very happy that I'm sat next to him. 'What?' I say confused as to why he was looking at me a little too much with a wide grin. 'Nothing' he says finally looking down to his hands and giving off a low chuckle that made my heart jump out of my chest.

'Jungkook leave her alone. You're scaring her.' Taehyung spits sounding a bit agitated and aggressive. 'Whatever hyung, you're just jealous.' He says causing Taehyung's eyes to darken.
'Why would you think that Jungkook?! Huh?' He says becoming increasingly annoyed. 'Guys stop it you're making her uncomfortable!' Yoongi shouts at his younger brothers.

There is a tense atmosphere as a silence simmers in the car while the two boys glare at each other. I sigh as my stress levels continue to rise. I hate that this is all because of me. What the hell did I do wrong.

My phone vibrates so I look to see a text appear on the screen:

(Jin) This isn't your fault. They have been like this for a while now. Please don't feel bad.

(Y/N) I can't help but feel like this is all my fault. Be honest with me, should I quit because i don't want to be the reason for this group falling apart.

(Jin) Y/N honestly that is the last thing any of us want to happen. Please don't leave us. Ps Namjoon agrees with me.

I turn around to see Jin and Namjoon looking at me with sad smiles. I force a smile back and attempt to go to sleep. Pretty quickly my mind becomes tired and my body relaxes, falling to the side as I let sleep take over...

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