Part 14

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Within 20 minutes we arrived at the arena they were going to perform in tonight. During the journey I had to keep reminding myself that my job is to be their 'doctor' not to get in the way so in order to not bother them I kept my words to a minimum and stayed out the way. Throughout the whole day I had to put up with the looks from the guys checking up on me in a protective way.

It is 3 hours until they need to start their show and I'm chilling in the first aid room not really knowing what to do with myself. Suddenly a knock at the door interrupts my inner thoughts. A wide smile spreads across Taehyung's face as he enters the room. 'Hey cutie' he says giggling as I give him a confused but smiling expression. 'Uhhhh... basically Yoongi has hurt his leg in the changing rooms so can you come and check on him?' He says to my surprise. 'Oh ok sure tell him I will be right there.' He leaves while skipping away as if he has forgotten that his hyung is hurt. I grab my first aid kit and jog down to the changing room.

I reach the door with one hand covering my eyes and the other holding the bag. 'Everyone is dressed right?' I say as the others laugh. 'Yes you're fine Y/N don't worry.' Namjoon says. I remove my hand to see Yoongi laid on the floor with his band members crowded around.

Some of them move to let me kneel beside him. I noticed he was refusing to look into my eyes so I swiftly but gently grabbed his chin and forced him to look at me. I just pretend I don't notice he has been crying. 'So how did you hurt yourself?' I say. He begins to explain that he just tripped and I role my eyes not believing it for a second. 'Um guys can you give us some space?' I say as they all moan and leave, disappointed they didn't get to see what was going to happen.

'Yoongi, I'm going to need to take your trousers off.' I say trying to sound as casual as possible as I turn my head back to him from the boys that had just left. 'U-uh oh' he stutters with red cheeks but nods knowing there is no other alternative. As I help him pull them down, he tries not to look at my face, once again hiding his embarrassment...

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