Part 10

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After a few moments of silence and Tae trying to calm me down, he finally speaks out. 'Come on let's get you back to the hotel. Huh?' I nod, not able to get a word out of my mouth. 'Oh and sweetheart, would you feel more comfortable in my room. I don't know what happened back there but I can sense that maybe you would like that. Am I right?' I pull away from him and whimper back a 'yes' while smiling softly.

It was a quiet journey home in the limo and the boys were tired yet restless. I know the ones that know my past can't stop thinking about it and I can tell Taehyung has now just been informed from Jimin about what happened. I sigh deeply thinking about why all this had to happen to me. Why can't I just have a normal life like everyone else?

Upon arrival Taehyung escorts me to his room and insists he gets my bags from Yoongi's room so I don't have to face him. I know if I even have to see his face my hatred will take over me. I just need time now. I lay down on the bed and breath in Taehyung's sent that has been spread across the covers. It's the only thing calming me right now.

Taehyung POV
I come back to my room after an upset Yoongi bombarded me with questions on how Y/N is doing. I can see how much he hates himself right now and never meant for any of this to happen. But I guess this means less competition for me to get the girl of my dreams.

I see Y/N tucked into bed already asleep with her cute face showing and I make sure to not wake her as I take a shower and change my clothes. I sneak into the bed and feel her cold body shivering against my skin. I pull her close and she seems to flutter her eyes. 'Is this ok sweetheart?' I ask as I rest my arm around her small waist. She nods and looks down as if still bothered by today. 'Hey love, it's all going to be ok. I will protect you, you hear me?' She nods again as I wipe the stray tear away from her cheek with my thumb. I pull her even closer and kiss her forehead before both of us fall asleep...

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