Part 15

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I examine Yoongi's leg which he says he has hurt but something is off. 'Well you don't have any bone of joint damage. Your muscles hasn't been stretched and you haven't torn anything. There isn't even a bruise nor scratch so tell me-' I say looking directly into his eyes. 'Why are you trying to get out of doing this concert?'

He looks very shocked and obviously hadn't thought his plan through very much. In an attempt to save himself he stutters out some incoherent sounds before giving up and looking away. He takes a deep breath and finally says something I can understand. 'Taehyung and I, we had an argument and I think it's best for the group if I just stay out of this perform-'

I cut him off with 'are you crazy! Now I don't know what the argument was about but it sure as hell wasnt bad enough for you to miss this show. Just think how many disappointed fans you will have because you couldn't remain professional for just a few hours. Huh? ...Please Yoongi, you have just this last show and then a 5 day break. Just hang on a little longer.'

He sighs deeply but nods in agreement. Gradually, he gets to his feet and goes off to get his makeup done after giving me a quick and sudden hug which shocked me a little.

I leave the changing room and go back to the first aid room to find Taehyung sat down waiting for me. 'What the hell did you two argue about?' I ask in a questioning but slightly angry tone. 'Oh he told you. Not surprised, he secretly loves attention. He may be an introvert but there is something messed up about him.' As he speaks he strolls up to me casually putting his hands on my waist. 'That doesn't answer the question.' I say bluntly pushing his hands off. He looks a little hurt but continues speaking. 'It was about... you.'  'Me! Why the hell would you be arguing about me!'   

He speaks again this time a little louder. 'Because we f*cking love you Y/N! We all do!' I jump back surprised at not only his tone but his words as well.   He noticed I flinched and immediately became guilty. 'Y/N, sweetheart. I-I didn't mean to raise my voice. I swear-'.  

'Go' I simply say. 'Y/N please-'.  'I said leave Taehyung!'   I hold back the tears in my eyes as he abides to my wishes. God I didn't mean for this to happen. I swear I didn't flirt with them or show any kind of affection other then being their nurse. How the hell did it all turn out this way!...

Nurse//BTS FFTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon