Part 28

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Yoongi was so over protective in the store. Especially when one of the drunk men in there tried to chat to me. I'm sure if I had a chance to listen to what he had to say then he would have just been looking for a friendly conversation but Yoongi was having none of it. He sent me back to the car while he paid and wouldn't let me get another word out.

That leads us to now. I'm sat in the car, arms folded over my chest and watching as he exits the shop with the large cart full of food. The sun was beginning to set and I wanted to enjoy the pretty scenery but I was too mad. I'm not good with being told what to do. I never have been. So when he demanded I go back here I was beyond furious. I may be over reacting and being stroppy but he was over doing it too. He practically slams the trunk closed after putting in the stuff we brought and jumps into the drivers seat.

I don't say a word. Not until he does. I'm the one who is upset so it's his turn to speak. "Look I'm sorry." He grumbles. "I was just worried about those guys talking to you. It would be bad if I caused a scene because people would hear about it and know we were here." I guess that makes sense. If people found out their location then we would have to leave and I like the rental house too much to leave it so soon. "I get it." I reply looking down at my lap. "I'm sorry for being moody. I sometimes forget that you need to be careful in public."

He chuckles a little. "It's ok sweetheart. Just don't make me have to beg to put a smile back on your face." That comment was enough to make my face hurt from how much it smiled. He knew exactly how to make me happy just like all the others. "Let's get going, huh? It's getting late." He speaks up after we sit in a comfortable silence for a bit. I blast on the air con and he races off out the parking lot.

By the time we get back the sun had just set and the other boys were at the door waiting for the food. They rushed to take in the bags and search through them like cavemen tearing about their rations of food. I couldn't help but laugh at Jimin who had already started snacking on a packet of crisps as he still searched the bags.

"Sweetheart, you can relax." Jungkook pulls my hands away from the kitchen counter where I was about to pull out some pots to start cooking. "I lost a bet so I'm gonna cook today. Go rest up and get into something comfy. It's your break from work too." God he is so cute. I nod as he guides my shoulders out of the kitchen and suddenly kisses my temple before walking away. Well... That was unexpected...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2020 ⏰

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