Part 25

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As I stared up at the ceiling I pictured my future with each of the boys.

With Namjoon, I could imagine sitting in a little coffee shop in a historical and aesthetically pleasing European city. The sun shining through the large window and locals and tourists roaming the streets. I can imagine us sipping our hot drinks and his cute dimpled smile flashing me as we joke about our over excited tour guide that morning.

With Jin, I can picture us on a wooden dock by a tranquil lake. The beautiful colours blending behind my main view of his broad shoulders as he casts his fishing rod. The smile on his face making me bubbly as he catches a big one.

Yoongi's concentrated stare at my face as he shows me the demo for his upcoming song. The bass and beats perfectly showcasing his hip hop side aswell as his deep and meaningful side.

I can see myself with Hobi in a setting just like that one we shared in the city a few days ago. Its so spontaneous and it makes me feel alive as we wonder the neon lit streets that radiate evidence of youthful lives that are present in the darkened sky.

Although not very conventional, I would love to see Jimin's drunk ass at the bar. I could imagine the games we would play and the silly things out of the blue that we decided to do. I can see his bright smile as we drunkenly laugh at our dumb jokes.

With Taehyung, I see myself in an art gallery. Him mesmerised by the paintings and me more mesmerised by his face. That beautiful face with his unique fashion sense really does something to me. His warm hand around mine made a me feel safe.

And about Jungkook, I can see him on Over Watch, getting excited and rowdy at the screen as I have a go at shooting all the players. His hands would be on my hips as I sat on his lap and attempted to beat his score. He would unintentionally squeeze at my skin every time there was an opponent.

What am I supposed to choose? It's undeniable that I am attracted to each of them but are their personalities going to match with mine? This is the point where my sleep takes over and I carry on to dream what life could be like.


I wake up to the smell of pancakes but as my senses de-cloud from sleep, I notice a warm mass tucked into me. I gently rub my eyes and they pop open wide when I see Jimin's body squashed against me. His head was on my chest and his arms wrapped tight around me. I'm surprised I could even breath with him so close to me in my sleep.

He groans as I attempt to push my body away from his to stand up but I fail as he pulls me back down and nestles his head into my neck. 'J-Jimin?' I say pushing back his hair from his face. He groans more and suffocates me with his arms that pull my body on top of his. My face goes red and my eyes widen as he continues to sleep despite the position we are in...

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