Part 4

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Namjoon: 'does it hurt?'
Me: 'not really. It honestly looks worse then it feels.'
Namjoon: 'You're the nurse here so what am I supposed to do' *stares at the bruise and then my eyes*
Me: 'umm well put this on it *hands him a cream from the medical bag* it should reduce the bruising.'

He puts some on his finger and carefully rubs it in on my cheek. In his concentration of trying not to hurt me, he doesn't notice how close our faces are. I giggle as he suddenly backs up realising how close he was. 'Sorry' he says blushing while looking down with a huge smile. 'It's ok. Thank you for helping me.' I reply.

We talk for a few minutes and realise everyone else is asleep.
Me: 'you should probably sleep too. You have a busy schedule ahead.'
Namjoon: 'You're right. Do you mind if I stay here. *points to the seat* I don't know if I can put up with their annoyingly loud breathing.'
Me: 'yes it's fine, I don't mind.'
He smiles before settling down. Once his eyes close, I immediately get out my phone to watch some Netflix. I'm like half way through an episode when something slumps down on my shoulder. My eyes widen as I look to my side to see Namjoon's head resting on me with his eyes shut. His steady breathing is so soft and his face is the cutest thing you have ever seen. I only just resist the temptation to squeeze his cheeks. After a while I decide i might as well sleep too so I just use his head as a pillow. It was actually surprisingly comfy.

Both me and Namjoon wake up to the car stopping and we quickly gather our things, forgetting the position we were in moments ago. We all jump out and make our way into the hotel. I have my head down and have put a little bit of makeup on my cheek to cover up the mark. As we were waiting for Bang PD to check us in, I notice his slowly changing expression. He looks a little frustrated to be honest. He walks back moments later with only 7 keys out of the 8 we needed (one for me obviously). 'What's wrong?' I ask in confusion. 'So there are only 7 rooms available for the 8 of you because this stupid hotel messed up the bookings and there are no other free rooms. So you will have to share with someone Y/N.' I nod and see the boys' faces start to light up. 'Right! Rock Paper Scissors and the winner gets to share with Y/N!' Jungkook shouts this out and all the boys competitively huddle and begin the match as if I'm not even there. 'Yessss!' I hear from a low voice. I turn to see Yoongi skipping closer to me while the others look disappointed. 'Come on Y/N, let's go to our room.' He grabs both my suitcase and his and bounces his way to the elevator with me close behind...

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