Part 20

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'Y/N... bab- I mean um Y/N... you have to wake up.' I feel gentle nudges on my shoulder as I rub my tired eyes. 'What is it Kook?'   'Hobi has a head ache and we have arrived at the airport.' 'Oh' I answer trying to get myself together and shake my legs awake from the pins and needles.

We all exit the vehicle and I quickly check on Hoseok. I give him some water to drink after we check in quickly and get settled in the vip lounge. Luckily there weren't any large crowds blocking the way. As we wait the tension between Tae and kook has seemed to die down quite a bit and they seemed like the usual childish maknae line with Jimin.

'I'm going to get something from duty free, do you want anything? I heard there is a Starbucks.' I ask the hyung line quietly sat together. 'I would love an an iced americano if it isn't too much to ask.' Yoongi says. 'Of course it's not. It's ok.' I reply but before I go I notice the other boys looking like they want to speak. 'Should I just get 6 americanos and I'll get something else for Taehyung?' 'Yes please.' Namjoon says smiling that I relieves him of the awkward moment in which he would have to ask for one as well.

The boys look happy for once which makes me happy. It must be because they finally get to relax after the tiring performances. 'Tae! What do you want from Starbucks? I'm getting the others coffee but I know you don't like it.' He looks a little shocked at my question and statement. 'Um... I would love a coke? I know it's a bit weird.' 'No that's ok. I'll be back in a minute.'

I go off and giggle at the faint sound of a confused Taehyung asking Jimin 'how does she know I don't like coffee?' I enter the shop and get all the boys their drinks and I get myself something to drink. I ended up stacking the cup holders on top of each other in order to carry them all and I made my way back to the first class lounge. The boys immediately perked up even more when they received their drinks.

I enjoy the first moment of quiet I have had in a while as we all drink in peace. 'So what are you looking forward to most in Hawaii Y/N?' Yoongi asks. 'Um, I guess a comfy bed, the sun and the beach.' We laugh together as he replies with 'yes I can't wait to sleep as well'. We chat for a little before I go to check up on Hobi who is with Jimin. 'How's the head ache?' I ask as he smiles brightly. 'It's alright now, thank you for taking care of me.' He ruffles my hair as I'm broken away from the reminiscing of our experiences in the city yesterday. He laughs as I pout and try and fix my hair again. 'I hate you' I laugh, trying to stay mad at him...

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