Part 16

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They start their show but they all seem a little off. Not surprised if Taehyung told them that he confessed all of their feelings for me. I just take deep breaths and stay away from them as much as I can. I mean atleast Yoongi is focused on the show. I guess my little chat with him lit a little fire under his ass.

Although I may be mad at the moment, I can't help but look out for them backstage. Jungkook didn't seem too good. He looked pale and as if he had just ran 10 miles on an empty stomach.

So as he sits slightly collapsed on the floor while Jimin performs his Lie solo, I help fan him and help him breath with the oxygen can. He was so desperate for breath that as I hold the can infront of his face, he grabs both my hand and the can to pull it closer to his face. I stroke his trembling hand after ordering a crew member to take over my job as a human fan.

'Jungkook you need to take it easy. It's a marathon not a sprint so you need to savour your energy.' He nods too tired to communicate. I grab my bag next to me and give him a sugar tablet I usually give to diabetics. 'Here, let this dissolve in you mouth.' Without questioning or hesitation he puts it in his mouth and uses the remainder of his energy to get back up on stage as another song starts to play.

I almost can't bare to watch as he some how manages to get through all the difficult choreography. And just when I thought everything was finally going ok, I witness the cringe worthy moment of Namjoon twisting his ankle. I mental face palm myself as he plays it off like it was nothing but I can see the pain in his eyes.

I'm just glad it was the last song and now they are doing their cute speeches at the end.

Finally they leave the stage and Namjoon's smile finally drops to express the pain he is in. He almost falls over coming down the stairs but I'm quick enough to catch some of his weight as I throw his arm over my shoulder.
'Sit' I simply say guiding him to a chair where I gently pull off his shoe and sock to get a close look at his swollen ankle.

'Can someone get me some ice!' I shout out at a bunch of crew members who are just standing round doing nothing. They run off slightly scared of me to get what I needed. When they return a softly place the ice on Namjoon's ankle. He winces at the pain so in order to soothe it more I give him some pain killers and massage just above and just bellow the sprain.

The boys crowd around awkwardly, concerned for their brother. 'Jungkook come here and sit down, you need to rest. Yoongi can you hold this ice on Namjoon's ankle?' They both do as I tell them and I check Jungkook's temperature and give him another sugar tablet with water.

'You all need to rest and get some food in you ok?'
'Y/N I want you to kno-' Taehyung starts.
'I'm not in the mood right now to listen to you. Please just go and get changed so we can go back to the hotel.'

Without another word, most of them nod and leave with him, meaning it was just me and Joon left. 'Let me get you a wheel chair.' He chuckles as if I have just said something adorable. 'No Y/N it's really not that bad.' He says getting up before I can stop him. He even does a little jog towards his water bottle a few meters away to prove he isn't hurt. 'See' he says making some of my stress go away. 'Come on let's go back to the hotel.' He says swinging an arm around my shoulder...

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