Part 13

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I was about to stand up and stop the guys from going to gang up on the stranger but Jin stoped me by hugging me suddenly. 'U-uh Jin?' 'Shhhh just let me comfort you-' He replies squeezing me tightly. 'Can I atleast try and stop them from causing a scene before you get too comfy?' I say but too late as shouts erupt.

I look over to Namjoon who has grabbed the mans collar and thrown him to the ground. I quickly run over to him and hold onto his arm. Which turns his gaze suddenly to me. As I stare into his eyes his anger turns to care and concern. 'Jungkook take Y/N back to the car. We will meet you in a bit.' Namjoon says this as he gently caresses my cheek with his hand. 'NO Jungkook don't' I shout for him to stop as he pulls me out the cafe. I look back at the others and watch as they start to beat the man together until I was forced into the car by Jungkook.

I try my best to escape Jungkook's grip but fail as he holds me tightly on his lap. 'Calm down Y/N. He deserves it please just stop fighting me.' He says to try and calm me down and in the end I run out of will power to fight off his strong arms.

In order to stop my tears from the uncomfortable situation I was in before, I put on an emotionless face as Jungkook strokes my back in an attempt to comfort me. I sneakily slide off his lap as the guys return to the car. Out of the corner of my eye I spot Namjoon's bloodied fists but I pretend to ignore it. He approaches me and goes to hold my hand. I still ignore him and stare out the window as if he isn't just a few inches away. 'Sweetheart please look at me... I know you didn't want me to hurt him but I couldn't stop myself. I could see how uncomfortable you were and I couldn't let him or anyone do that to you. So I just-'.  I bluntly cut him off with 'it's fine just leave me alone'. He ignores what I said and sits down on the seat next to me. He gently grabs my hand and intertwines his fingers in mine. One tear creeps out my eye and I quickly wipe it away. As you can tell I really don't like being the centre of attention...

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