Part 24

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'Can I stay with you for a bit?' Jimin's gentle voice whispered through my room. 'I can't sleep and you're the only one awake' he says after, fiddling with his fingers. 'Um, sure. Here come sit with me.' I say finally laying my body on my bed and patting the space next to me. He makes his way closer and settles with his feet up just like I had. 'You wanna talk? Is there a reason you can't sleep?' I ask as I switch on the tv. I flick through some channels and end up on the news channel, looking at the weather for the next few days.

'I'm scared you're going to leave us.' He says taking my attention away from the Tv. There is a silence between us and although it was filled with the weather women's voice, it still felt as if we were the only ones in the whole world. It was the kind of quiet that wasn't awkward or uncomfortable, but the kind that is unsettled because we are both over thinking things.

'Please don't quit on us.' He whispers. 'Jimin... first of all I haven't decided.' I speak as soft as I can. 'And second of all, if I do go, I'm sure you can get someone even better then me to help you guys out on your tours and I'm sure they won't be as a distraction as I am.'

'B-but I don't want to be helped by anyone else.' He says leaning his tired head on my shoulder. 'I know. And I really love this job. I really do but I don't want to sacrifice you and the boys' relationship just for this whole situation.'

'Me and the boys had a talk about that.' He says making me a little confused and concerned. 'What do you mean?' I question. 'We agreed that no matter what you choose, we won't be angry at each other or you. Just as long as you are happy.'

He speaks with his eyes closed and his breathing slow and light. I feel bad that they even had to think about that but atleast I know they won't split up in arguments if I choose something that they don't like. Oh god. What am I supposed to pick. Do I pick one of them and hurt the rest or do I pick none and hurt them all. I go to speak but it was too late. Jimin has already fallen asleep on my shoulder. I guess we are bunking together tonight then.

I gently place his head against a pillow on the other side of the double bed and throw the thin cover over him. Although the air conditioning was on, it was still quite warm. I turn off the tv and lay down as well. He looked so peaceful and I couldn't help but imagine what a future with him could look like. I had done that for all of them. What would life look like?...

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