Part 26

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'J-Jimin' I try and prod him awake again but a lower groan follows instead. What the... I turn my head to the other side of the bed where a second body lay tucked under the covers and cuddling a pillow like his life depended on it. 'Taehyung what are you doing here!' With my shocked voice, I managed to wake up Jimin and the intruder. 'Mmmm why are you shouting?' Tae whined. 'What are you doing in my bed?' I questioned loudly back. 'I couldn't sleep and I found Jimin and you together and you looked so cozy.' His gravely morning voice made me feel a little guilty for practically screaming him awake. They were all so tired and I probably just ruined his sleep.

I literally don't know how to respond to him but luckily I didn't have to because Hobi and Namjoon came rushing in still in their pyjamas and with messed up hair. They looked like they were about to attack us three in the bed. Namjoon even held a broom high in his arms. 'What the f*ck!?' He shouted, dropping his weapon and rubbing his sleepy eyes. 'S-sorry' I say quietly. Well there goes any hope of a lie-in.

He groaned and finally let his vision adjust as Hoseok lazily walks towards the bed and gets in with Jimin who was already trying to go back to sleep. Namjoon's glare shifts from me to Taehyung and then settles on the tiniest space left on the double bed. He groans and dives in, completely squashing us all together. 'Nam-' I try and complain about his weight suffocating me but he seems to not care when he shushes me. It was almost as if I was a baby he was trying to convince to go back to sleep. I was about to pull myself up out of the bed but just to add to the chaos, Jungkook barges in the room and onto the bed. I guess they must have all heard what was going on apart from Yoongi who won't wake up for hours even if you slapped him and Jin who I'm guessing was the one making the pancakes.

'Guys-' I try and speak my way out of this mess but Hobi stops me. 'Y/N if you don't stop talking I swear I will spank you.' He turned as he spoke and managed to enclose my body against the mattress, pinning me down. Well that was...unexpected, especially from Hoseok.

We remained like that for what I think was two hours. I had eventually fallen back to sleep so Taehyung woke me up when the others started to get up around lunch time. I got dressed and ready before making my way out of the bedroom and towards the kitchen. The house was quiet other then the tv which all the boys were crowded around with there various snacks.

They still looked exhausted but less so then yesterday and we were already low on food to begin with so I might aswell go and get some shopping. 'I'm going to get some groceries, is there anything you guys specifically want?' I try and speak gently over the tv. 'I'll come with you' Yoongi says pulling himself up and grabbing his jacket from the hanger. I was going to protest because I knew he just wanted to relax but he had already pushed me out the door before I could do so...

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