Part 3

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'Oh fuck' I hear from Namjoon very quietly. Well there goes the nice and relaxed setting of the plane. 'What's wrong?' I ask as he frantically searches his bag and seat. 'I lost my passport again but don't tell the boys they will tease m-!' Before he could finish I had already made everyone aware he had and just like he said the boys were laughing at him. Oops. When reality kicked in that they couldn't enter the country without it, the panic spread.
Yoongi: 'Not this again!'
Jin: 'I don't usually swear but for fuck sake Namjoon!'
The maknae line giggle at the eldest's words.

After 10 minutes we were really starting to get worried. This was until, 'hey I see it!!' a voice called out.
Bang Pd: 'oh yes it's tucked under the chair there! We need someone small!'
The boys fell silent and simultaneously looked over to me. 'I'm not that small!' I shout out frustrated but still walking over to get it. I pick it up and throw it at Namjoon's face in annoyance. The feeling of relief washed over everyone and we finally made it out the plane in one piece. I need coffee if I'm going to put up with these people.

We battle the crowds of fans which was more difficult then we anticipated. The amount of Sasaengs in the airport was ridiculous. I brave my way at the front and help push the crowds back for Jin who is just behind me.
Fan1: 'hey what's that bitch doing near Jin!!'
Fan2: 'Your too ugly to hang out with them!'
Fan3: 'what a whore!'
These were just a few of the things I heard directed at me. Suddenly out of the blue, I feel a sharp pain on my left cheekbone. I stumble back before noticing a fan had just punched me in the face. My vision starts to spin and I feel a trickle of blood go down the side of my face. I cup my cheek to stop people from seeing it and carry on pushing the crowds back.

The boys finally make it into the car and I get in last. They all sit down exhausted and so do I. I quickly grab my compact mirror in my bag and look at my reflection. It's not too bad but it's very obvious that I have been hit in the face. I'm just glad no one noticed because I don't want them to worry about me when they have a performance tomorrow.

I was about to grab a tissue to blot my slightly open cut when out of the blue I hear, 'hey Y/N do yo- omg what hap-!' Before Namjoon can finish, I pull him on the seat next to me and cover his mouth.
Me: 'Please don't make a scene. It's not a big deal.'
Namjoon: 'are you kidding. Of course it's a big deal. Who hurt you?'
Me: 'I don't know, it was a fan but I didn't see what they look like. Just please don't tell anyone else, I don't want them to worry.'
Namjoon: *pauses for a moment* 'fine but let me.'
He says this grabbing the tissue from me and dabbing it gently...

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