Part 7

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'You did nothing wrong. It's ok. It's just... the nightmare.' I look down at my feet. He was about to ask what I dreamt about but we were interrupted by a knock followed by Taehyung's voice. 'Come on guys, we have to leave!' Yoongi quickly faces me again and pulls my chin up with his hand so I look at him in his eyes. 'Tell me quickly. I want to know so I can look after you.' I nod and begin to explain. I tell him everything, how my exboyfriend Kai used to treat me and how he would beat and blackmail me. How he would threaten the lives of my family. My nightmare consisted of the time when he finally lost it. As a lawyer, he knows how to get away with crime so one day he killed my parents because I went out without him. He really was a psycho. Since then I have been hiding and I thought the nightmares had gone. 'Please don't tell the others.' He nods sympathetically. 'I promise. Don't worry you're safe with me, sweetheart.'

After talking quickly and a momentary hug of comfort, Yoongi goes out first with me followed behind. I am greeted by huge warm smiles from the guys and I smile back throwing away my worries.

//Time Skip to the stadium//
We are sat on some of the seats waiting for the crew to set up and check all the equipment. I talk with Jin for a bit and he tells me his dad jokes which I laugh really hard at.

Right now I'm trying my best to cheer Y/N up because i felt as if she was a bit down. But, seeing her smile and giggle makes my heart melt. I really can't believe that all 7 of us are into this one girl. Well in the end as long as she is happy, so am I. We were laughing at a funny story she was telling me until we got interrupted by all the boys being called back stage. I wave goodbye and leave with the others to the back.

I watched as they went off and waited like 15 minutes until the practicing starts. I look at all the boys and laugh as they try to show off in front of me. Soon the track for Lie comes on and Jimin starts to dance on his own. I watch carefully as his face becomes more uncomfortable looking and as if he is struggling. I stand up and move closer to the stage. Jimin suddenly stops dancing and lays down on the cold stage. Without hesitation I jump up and run to him. I crouch down beside him and notice he is gripping his shoulder in a weird way while groaning. 'Jimin, can you hear me?' He nods lightly, trying not to inflict more pain. 'I'm just going to check your joints and muscles, which means you have to stay very still and tell me if anything hurts.' 'Ok' he gently replies while trying to relax his body. I start to apply pressure down his neck and shoulders. Instinctively he grabs onto my thigh and squeezes it as the pain gets bad. 'I take that as an 'it hurts'.' I say carrying on with his check up. I move his arm out and check his joint is not abnormally stiff...

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