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It's a lavish evening studded with stars, giants from the industry, a ton of good food and hard drinks.

At every nook and corner, digital posters and clips from Aadi's blockbuster debut playback on giant screens.

A thousand cameras flash.

A swarm of reporters attempt to break through huge bouncers.

Aadi, accompanied by his co-actress, Sanjana, and the film's director, Anuj Suri gel in with the A-list crowd. They are congratulated on making it into the very rare 2000-crore club.

ANUJ SURI  (Director) 

ANUJ SURI  (Director) 

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Sanjana turns to look at Aadi

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Sanjana turns to look at Aadi. He's shaking hands with everyone with a smile that looks like he's about to cry.

Anuj leans closer to Aadi, speaks in a low voice.

ANUJ: See that guy over there?

Aadi follows his gaze. A bit ahead of them, he sees the industry's most bankable, number #1 actor, Mehul Pandey. He's tall, stylish and handsome. He sports an irresistible, manly stubble.


AADI: Mehul Pandey, he's number #1 in the industry, (chuckles) and he's Neha's favorite

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AADI: Mehul Pandey, he's number #1 in the industry, (chuckles) and he's Neha's favorite. Who doesn't know him?

ANUJ: Oh, everyone knows him, for a lot many other reasons.

AADI: What?

ANUJ: I'll fill you in later. Right now, we're going to meet him. We must or he'll give us a hard time.

AADI: Why?

ANUJ: The dude's got an unbelievable ego, one that goes over the roof. He's exceptionally arrogant and if rumors are true, then he controls the industry. Be cautious and courteous, don't expect him to be nice, for a good reason.

AADI: What? Why?

Sanjana who'd drifted away from them is seen talking with Mehul.

ANUJ: Come on, let's go.

They join Mehul and Sanjana. With them is Sanjeev Kumar, a producer in his 60's. He's tall, slender and seemingly kind. On seeing Anuj, Mehul invites him with open arms.

MEHUL: Come, come, my friend. (hugs Anuj, pats him on the back, pulls back) What news? Oh, I forgot. This is news, eh?

ANUJ: (laughs) Yeah.

MEHUL: Good, good.

Aadi is nervous. Everything about Mehul is intimidating, whether it be his stance, his attitude or his size.

ANUJ: This is Aadi.

AADI: (holds out a hand to shake) Hi.

Mehul brings up his hand to shake but in the last moment, he steers clear and chooses to wave at a colleague instead. Aadi is left midway with his outstretched hand hanging in the air.

MEHUL: (to his colleague) Oh, bhai! Long time. I'll catch you this Sunday.

Aadi turns a deep shade of red. From the corner of his eyes, he notices Anuj, Sanjana and Sanjeev watching them. Slowly, he withdraws his hand.

A reporter joins them.

REPORTER: (holds the mic before Mehul) Sir, what do you feel about the success of this movie and the new kid on the block, Aadi Vardhan?

MEHUL: Well, the script and direction exceeded expectations. Had they had the budget, they'd have made it into the 4000-cr club, but they had to make do with whatever was available.

He finishes off with a sarcastic bellow. More laughter joins him. Anuj looks sheepish, Sanjana, uninterested and Aadi – stumped, embarrassed.

REPORTER: It's said that the filmmakers had initially approached you for the lead, is it true?

MEHUL: They did try, but I couldn't find a slot for them in my tight schedule, and yeah, they couldn't afford me either. You can't expect to buy gold with a few pennies.

REPORTER: (turns to Aadi) Aadi, how do you feel about the success of your debut film?

The switch happens too fast that Aadi takes a moment to gather himself.

AADI: (lost) Ahmm -- well, it was, ahm -- I feel – ahm -- blessed.

MEHUL: Naturally.

Sanjana gestures at the bouncers. In a moment, they are there, ushering the reporters away.

Aadi is red in the face. Anuj turns to him, concerned.

ANUJ: Buddy... you okay?

AADI: I'll be right back, just give me a minute.

He hurries away.


Aadi bends over at a sink. He splatters a handful of water onto his face and straightens up. He takes a moment to check himself out in the mirror. He's pale and shaken. There's fear in his eyes, the urge to give up on his dreams, to return home, lead a simple and contented life with his wife, Neha. 

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