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Aadi joins Anuj and Sanjana. They're still with Mehul and his cronies.

An emotional scene from Aadi's flick plays back on the screen. Mehul watches it with ridicule on his face.

MEHUL: Man, such an emotional scene. (To Aadi) Where'd you take your acting course?

Aadi is stumped, he didn't expect a direct question from Mehul.

AADI: Erm – Mumbai... institute for actors.

MEHUL: That shows. I can't make out if you're laughing or crying.

His cronies laugh. Aadi turns redder.

MEHUL: (glances over his shoulder at his cronies) What? You don't agree with me?

CRONY: Of course, we do, Bhai.

MEHUL: So, what do you think? Is he laughing or crying?

CRONY: (snickers) No idea.

MEHUL: I know of a guy who made a cheap flick. And when I say cheap it means dirt cheap. Ultra-low budget. Just ten thousand. Ten thousand is what it cost him. Can you believe that?

CRONY: Nope.

MEHUL: But so what? He made ten crores. That's marketing, dude. And if you ask me, he's smart. Really smart.

A butler comes in with a tray full of rough drinks. Mehul readily picks up one and so do the others.

Aadi notices Mehul's eyes on him and ends up picking a glass of what appears to be brandy.

MEHUL: You sure you can handle it? It's not for kids.

AADI: I'm cool.

MEHUL: Yeah, right.

He laughs. The others join him.

Sanjana leans closer to Aadi, speaks in a low voice, her lips barely moving.

SANJANA: Since when did you start drinking?

Aadi is a health freak and never goes after alcohol, tobacco, drugs or junk food. Everyone knows that.

Mehul downs the liquid in one clean swipe.

Aadi does too. He ends up cringing, choking and sputtering as the stuff burns his throat and flows down his system like lava. Tears spring up and his eyes turn red.

MEHUL: (smirk) Told you, it's not for kids.

Aadi struggles to recover. He can't even talk.

MEHUL: (turns back to his cronies) So this guy, the cheap-flick guy, he claims that he's made some awesome shit. Well, I don't blame him. It's his shit and it's going to smell like sandalwood to him.

The cronies laugh.

MEHUL: But like I said, he's smart. He was the director, the producer, screenwriter, lead actor, singer, songwriter, like literally everything. And to think of it, the guy doesn't even have a good face. He looks like a squirrel.

The cronies laugh.

MEHUL: But still he made it. That's luck, man. And sheer guts.

Sanjana observes Aadi. The alcohol seems to have rattled him. She leans in close.

SANJANA: (hisses fiercely) Why do have to let yourself get intimidated? You aren't used to all this shit. That was strong, hard rum. And you swiped it neat. Are you out of your mind?

AADI: (looks at her with bloodshot eyes) How do you know?

He sounds raspy.

SANJANA: (clenches her teeth, pissed off) My father was in the army, I'd recognize that stuff even in the dark.

Aadi shifts uncomfortably. His stomach hurts, burns... A thin sheet of sweat glistens on his face.

Mehul snaps his fingers and summons another butler with a loaded tray.

MEHUL: (picks a glass, looks at Aadi) Another one?

Sanjana and Anuj are bewildered. Aadi hesitates for a moment, picks a second glass. This one is clear and looks like water. Gin or Vodka maybe? He gulps it down and reels.

MEHUL: (laughs) Dude, easy. That was vodka, not water.

Aadi takes a moment to respond. When he does, he sounds like he's clearly suffering.

AADI: (breathless) I know.

MEHUL: Sure, you do. Actually you know what? One needs to try everything. Life's no fun otherwise.

He snaps his fingers again. In a moment, another butler comes in.

MEHUL: Guess what? Tonight's your night. How about trying it all?

Aadi focuses on the tray. It looks like a rainbow with all the drinks in various colors.

Sanjana and Anuj can see that he's willing to take on the challenge.

SANJANA: Aadi, no, don't go for all this.

MEHUL: All what? (to Aadi) Be a man, dude. Or chicken out, whatever suits you.

The cronies laugh.

Aadi moves in, ready to take on the challenge.

Anuj steps in, tries to stop him, but Aadi waves his hand, gesturing that he can handle it.

They stand and watch on in horror as he gulps down drink after another.

He tries it all. Gin, Scotch & Bourbon whiskey, brandy, rum, vodka, tequila, all types of wine and champagne, until he's full to the ears with a cocktail of liquor.


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