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AADI: (frantic) Come on, what are you waiting for!!?

She brings it down hard, CUTTING through the air and ---

WHACKS him on the butt, far away from the actual target!

AADI: Owwwfffff!

He's CANNONED head-on into the spices and flour rack.

The containers sway and shudder!

ZIP!!! The mouse scampers out of his pants and ---

--- Flits past her leg. SQUEAK-SQUEAK-SQUEAK!

She FREAKS OUT and kangaroos onto Aadi, just as he straightens up, rubbing where it hurts.

NEHA: Get lossssttttt!!!!

AADI: What the fff----

He's SMACKED back into the shelf.

They freeze and gape at the sound coming from above their heads: a large container, dangerously swaying on the edge of the rack. Any minute, it will fall.

AADI: (peering up at the container) Uh-oh!

It TUMBLES, straight into his outstretched arms.

He breaks its fall. The lid pops open. The flour avalanches out. POOF!!!

A flour storm kicks up.

When it clears, we see, Aadi, his arms still held up, holding the empty container, the flour snowed in all over him.

He glances around, searching for the culprit.

There she is, right in front of him. She too has been blessed.

AADI: (all that comes out is a muffled dust of flour) What the f---

NEHA: Aaachhiii!!!!


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