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"Engage in activities." This is Neha's mantra for quick recuperation from emotional distress. But this time, it hasn't been highly effective. She has been running around on her feet the whole morning, but every now and then, Aadi's disturbing statement returns to bog her down. "You were the first one who wanted me to quit!"

NEHA: (thinking) Isn't it true, though?


Aadi seems to have adopted Neha's mantra of dealing with stress. We find him sitting before an open laptop, working on some heavy spreadsheets, something that he absolutely loathes. This has been his way of life ever since he vanished from the limelight, taking care of someone else's business and anything and everything to do with its finances and accounts.

Neha walks in meekly through ---


She hangs around for a moment, trying to make him aware of her presence and also to buy her some time to assess his emotional state.

Being deeply engrossed in work, he doesn't see her. He has cooled off some steam, but she still exercises caution.

NEHA: (quietly) It's time for lunch.

Hearing her, he takes a wayward glance and is immediately reminded of their spat in the morning. A little uncomfortable, he turns back to his laptop and resumes working.

She waits for his response, but he continues to give her the cold shoulder.

Hurt and disappointed, she turns to leave, but a nagging thought makes her stop.

NEHA: (hesitating) I... I never wanted you to quit. (Pausing) Not really.

Eyes still on the laptop, his brows clump together. He doesn't understand. When it hits him, he turns to her, only to find her gone.

Sighing, he leans back onto his chair, looking very much troubled.


Neha steps out of the washroom, wiping dry her freshly washed face with a towel. She pauses when she finds Aadi in there, hanging around as if waiting for her to come out.

Spotting her, he immediately comes over and takes her lips in a prolonged, apologetic kiss. When he pulls back, she finds his eyes shining and the aggression at bay.

She's still confused.

He kisses her again, then, takes her in a deep-chested hug.

AADI: (quietly, stroking her back) I'm sorry.

Hesitating, she puts her arms around him. A part of her wants to break down and cry, not just for the hurtful things he'd said, but for a lot many other stressful issues. Another part assures her to hang in there, to be strong.

He notices her breathe deep and slow, hiding her face in his chest.

AADI: You okay?

She clears her throat.

NEHA: (in a strained voice) Hmm.

He pulls back, tips up her chin and clears off the hair hiding her face.

AADI: (quietly) You know something? (Pauses to get her attention) I would have quit long back if it weren't for you.

She is reminded of his struggling days, of how she'd been his supporting pillar, assuring him that his big break isn't far, despite how low she felt with him drifting so far away. She used to wonder if he'll ever notice or care about the efforts she'd put in, the sacrifices she'd made.

AADI: I would have... never become this household name, this superstar or the best of whatever I'd become without you. Do you know that?

A lump grows in her throat and she quickly looks down, blinking it back, swallowing hard.

He peers down at her, trying to get a glimpse of her face. He gently runs his fingers through her hair.

For a moment, he seems lost, as if thinking something, something bothersome.

AADI: (quietly) I lost that offer because of myself. Not because of you or anyone else. Things would have been... different... if I'd never let certain things happen... You'd always tried to warn me about it. But I... was such a jerk.

She plays the scenes from the night of the brawl and the next in her head.

AADI: I'm sorry.

She looks up at him and is immediately moved by the pain on his face.

She reaches up and holds his face, kisses him.

NEHA: (pulling back) I still say you should go back if that's what your heart wants.

He smiles. She always managed to impress him, even after all these years.

AADI: That can wait.

He caresses her cheek with a thumb, something glinting in his eyes all the while.

AADI: For now, let's think about us, let's start again. 


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