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Aadi sits on the bed, leaning against the headrest. The bridge of his nose is taped and the bruising around his eyes and face have grown darker.

Sitting around him are his father, Prem and a lawyer in plain clothes.

Aadi sits with his head down, uninterested.

The lawyer gets up, shakes hands, leaves...

The men look disappointed.

PREM: (upset) Why did you let it go?

AADI: Because I wanted to.

When he speaks, he sounds like he's having a bad stuffy nose.

PREM: That guy assaulted the both of you. He was going to kill you!

AADI: I know, but we're alive.

PREM: You wouldn't have been! And look at you! Look at Neha!

AADI: Let's not talk about this.

PREM: Why!!?

AADI: Haven't you understood what I told you a while ago?

PREM: Exactly why I demand to know why! (He shoots to his feet) Decide what you want, but I'm not letting them get away with it. I'm reporting this to the media.

He swerves around, storms to the door.

AADI: Prem!

Prem doesn't heed to his calls.

AADI: Prem! Stop right there! Pre ---

He frantically attempts to follow and is immediately blinded with pain.

AADI: Owwwfff!!!

His father rushes to support him.

Prem hurries back to Aadi and helps him up.

Neha appears at the door, balancing a bowl of khichdi in her plastered hand. Sensing trouble, she stops at the doorway. None of them notice her.

PAPA: Just relax. Here, drink some water.

They help him to drink.

Neha quietly moves in, worried.

When Aadi calms down...

AADI: What would you do, Prem?

PREM: What do you mean?

AADI: What would you do if you were in my shoes?

PREM: (calmly) Exactly what I want you to do! Show them their place!

AADI: Even when you know of the risks?

PREM: (incredulous) Are you telling me that he's going to finish us off in broad daylight even after he's exposed?

AADI: Yes!

PREM: Why are you so scared, Aadi?

AADI: Because I've been there, Prem! I've been in that hotel room with a gun shoved in my face, knowing that it's all over, knowing that the ones I care about would meet the same fate!

Neha reimagines their ordeal, a chill shoot down her spine.

AADI: He's dangerous. He does what he says. Media or cops, he doesn't care. And yes, I am scared. I'm scared to lose the ones that I love, I'm scared of getting them hurt.

Prem stands heaving, glowering in defeat.

AADI: (leaning back) I'd like to rest.

They turn to leave.

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