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A few minutes is what Aadi takes to finish his prayers. When he opens his eyes and glances to his right, Neha is still in prayer. Smiling faintly, he walks out and waits for her near the car.


Aadi paces up and down the deserted street. Ahead of him, an old vendor prepares large, fluffy candies for a kid.

AADI: (thinking) Cotton candy... Neha loves it.

Suddenly, he remembers something. The smile on his face disappears.

AADI: (thinking) Shit. She hasn't eaten anything till now, and she's hypoglycemic.

He hurries to the vendor, the need of the hour being sustainment rather than pleasing her.

The vendor looks up, recognizes him immediately.

Aadi is busy picking out change.

AADI: Four.

The vendor begins to prepare the candy. Aadi is in a state of panic. He takes several glances into the temple, hoping that she's okay. To his horror, he doesn't find her.

AADI: Shit.

Suddenly --- his car's burglar alarm goes off! He sees Neha standing at the door with her ears plugged shut.

He turns it off and hurries to her.

AADI: What?

NEHA: I thought that the doors were open.

AADI: Yeah, I thought so too. I must have missed out to unlock it.

NEHA: Is it open now?

AADI: Yeah, get in.

She plops in.

AADI: I'll be right back.

NEHA: Where are you going?

He doesn't hang around to answer. In a moment, he returns and gets behind the wheel with a handful of pink, cloudy, cotton candy.

NEHA: (excited) Oh wow! What about you?

AADI: It's for you, have as much you like. I'll get more if you need.

NEHA: (chuckles) Really?

AADI: Yeah, are you feeling okay though?

NEHA: (puzzled) Yeah, why?

AADI: I thought you were feeling quite off this morning 'cause you haven't eaten.

She remembers now. Their touchy conversation earlier had managed to suppress her hunger.

NEHA: Yeah, I was.

Slowly, she sinks in and bites off wisps of the candy. She notices Aadi smiling at her.

NEHA: (munching) What?

AADI: Nothing. Shall I get more?

NEHA: Nope.

AADI: Let's find a place to eat.

NEHA: (extends the candy) Take a bite.

AADI: No, it's okay.

NEHA: Go on. One bite's not going to get you flabby.

AADI: It isn't that. Sweets are just not my thing.

NEHA: Ice creams are.

AADI: That's different.

NEHA: Shrikhand too.

AADI: Yeah, whatever.

NEHA: It's so yummy! Just try it.

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